RRB NTPC Admit Card 2019, Exam Date LIVE Updates: Once the admittance card is issued, its information will be given to all the candidates on their registered mobile number and email. All the candidates who have applied for the examination, they are advised to check their mobile number and email ID from time to time.
According to the selection process, candidates will have to undergo two computer-based examinations, after which the skill test and document verification will be done and qualified candidates will be hired.
RRB NTPC Admit Card 2019 LIVE Updates: RRB NTPC Recruitment Examination Date may be issued soon. Waiting for the admission card of the exam is going to end soon. Railway Recruitment Board is announcing the date of the examination and it is going to issue the Admit Card of the examination. Information and information related to the RRB NTPC 2019 examination will be released on the official website of RRB at rrbcdg.gov.in. The Railway Recruitment Board will also issue the Admit Card of NTPC CBT 1 examination on all regional websites of RRB. Candidates can go to their Region website and login with the help of their registration number and download their Admit Card. To download RRB NTPC Admit Card 2019, candidates will also need a date of birth along with their registration number.
Once the admit card is issued, it will be given to all the candidates on their registered mobile number and email. All the candidates who have applied for the examination, they are advised to check their mobile number and email ID from time to time. Candidates will have to download and print out from the Admit Card website and not be sent by post. By downloading your admit card, the candidate will be able to check his examination center, shift and timing of the matter. Stay tuned for every latest update related to the exam.