WBSEDCL Recruitment - Assistant Engineer job post: WBSEDCL will recruit candidates for the job post of Assistant Engineer. Apply for this WBSEDCL Vacancy before 7 April 2017.
➽ WBSEDCL Recruitment Details
- Job Post:
- Sub Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
- Sub Assistant Engineer (Civil)
- Vacancy: 477
- Salary: Rs. 20200/-
- Job Location: West Bengal
- Last Date: 7 April 2017
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Click to Register ✉➽ WBSEDCL Assistant Engineer Job Notification
- Job Notice: WBSEDCL invites applicants to apply for Assistant Engineer job post.
- Instruction: Applicants interested in this WBSEDCL recruitment drive for Assistant Engineer job post can apply before 7 April 2017.
- Notification: Refer to WBSEDCL recruitment notification for reference: http://www.wbsedcl.in/irj/go/km/docs/internet/new_website/pdf/Careers/Website_Advertisement_SAE.pdf
➽ WBSEDCL Assistant Engineer Job Details
Age Criteria: 18 to 27 Years as on first January 2017 for every single above post. Age Relaxation in the upper age point of confinement of 03 Years for OBC, 05 Years for SC and ST of West Bengal Only, 10 Years for PWD Category Candidates.
Compensation: Rs. 9,000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,400/ -
Preparing and Examination Fee: ₹ 300/ - for General and OBC class hopefuls. The charges ought to be kept in any branch of United Bank of India through a triplicate CHALLAN. Hopeful are required to download the CHALLAN from the site of the Company and take a printout of the same in A4 measure paper and store in any branch of United Bank of India alongside application expenses. Subsequent to storing charges, bank will give Transaction ID and SOL ID which are required to be composed at the correct place in the Application Form by the competitors. One duplicate of CHALLAN will be held by the bank and two duplicates of CHALLAN will be given over to the competitor by the bank. The hopeful will hold Applicant's duplicate of CHALLAN and WBSEDCL's duplicate of CHALLAN requires to be sent by the competitor alongside the printed copy of certifications. Bank will charge an extra sum as Bank's Service Charge. SC/ST/PWD/candidates under Exempted Category won't be required to pay any charges. Application Fees should be stored from 18/03/2017 to 07/04/2017 amid saving money hours.
Determination Process: Written Test, Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) and Interview
Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible applicants hopefuls need to apply through online enlistment arrangement of WBSEDCL. The last date for accommodation of online applications is 07/04/2017 up to Mid Night.
Subsequent to applying on the web, the applicants are required to print the framework created Registration Slip with one of a kind Application No. The first enlistment Slip with required WBSEDCL's Copy of CHALLAN.
Compensation: Rs. 9,000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,400/ -
Preparing and Examination Fee: ₹ 300/ - for General and OBC class hopefuls. The charges ought to be kept in any branch of United Bank of India through a triplicate CHALLAN. Hopeful are required to download the CHALLAN from the site of the Company and take a printout of the same in A4 measure paper and store in any branch of United Bank of India alongside application expenses. Subsequent to storing charges, bank will give Transaction ID and SOL ID which are required to be composed at the correct place in the Application Form by the competitors. One duplicate of CHALLAN will be held by the bank and two duplicates of CHALLAN will be given over to the competitor by the bank. The hopeful will hold Applicant's duplicate of CHALLAN and WBSEDCL's duplicate of CHALLAN requires to be sent by the competitor alongside the printed copy of certifications. Bank will charge an extra sum as Bank's Service Charge. SC/ST/PWD/candidates under Exempted Category won't be required to pay any charges. Application Fees should be stored from 18/03/2017 to 07/04/2017 amid saving money hours.
Determination Process: Written Test, Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) and Interview
Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible applicants hopefuls need to apply through online enlistment arrangement of WBSEDCL. The last date for accommodation of online applications is 07/04/2017 up to Mid Night.
Subsequent to applying on the web, the applicants are required to print the framework created Registration Slip with one of a kind Application No. The first enlistment Slip with required WBSEDCL's Copy of CHALLAN.