Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board(GSSSB) will recruit more than 1200 candidates for various job posts. GSSSB will provide a salary package of approximately Rs. 32000/-.
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- Candidates willing to pursue career at GSSSB, can get GSSSB recruitment notifications here.
- Apply online at https://gsssb.gujarat.gov.in/ for GSSSB job notification
- GSSSB Official Website
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Press CTRL + D on keyboard to bookmark for GSSSB recruitment notification.⚗ Objectives of GSSSB
- Operations held for an aggressive exam from direct enlisting class benefit branches of the State Government, fill the void space was appointed to the gathering. Now and again about the condition of the specialized offices to fill spaces in the square.
- The last determination of hopefuls is made by the body that held Competitive Examination enlistment division, as per Niamey. Also, the names of chose applicants are prescribed to government.
- It serves neighborhood authorities/representatives of different capacities identifying with the organization, and related administrations.
- Execution tests identified with enrollment of non-specialized regions.
- Controlling of direct enrollment and tests identifying with the execution of departmental faculty workplaces.
- Constrained by the Gujarat Government workplaces and to keep performing work capacities identified with the perished worker's wards work on humane grounds.
- Board officers/workers to pay compensation, the nearby regulatory expenses, and spending plan identified with operations.