BEG Recruitment - Civilan job post: BEG will recruit candidates for the job post of Civilan. Apply for this BEG Vacancy before 22 April 2017.
➽ BEG Recruitment Details
- Job Post: Civilian
- Vacancy: 38
- Salary: Rs. 18000-63000/-
- Qualification: 10th Pass / 12th Pass / ITI
- Job Location: West Bengal
- Last Date: 22 April 2017
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Click to Register ✉➽ BEG Civilan Job Notification
- Job Notice: BEG invites applicants to apply for Civilan job post.
- Instruction: Applicants interested in this BEG recruitment drive for Civilan job post can apply before 22 April 2017.
- Notification: Refer to BEG recruitment notification for reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz3xO6e_7OeecFVBemlmWEFfaFE/
➽ BEG Civilan Job Details
Age: (a) General Candidates - 18 to 25 years, (b) Schedule Tribe competitor - 18 to 30 years, (c) Other Back Class (OBC) - 18 to 28 years, (d) Physically Handicapped applicant by another for a long time, (e) An Ex-Servicemen (ESM) according to Govt. Rules.
Instructive Qualification and Experience:
Instructive Qualification and Experience:
- LDC - twelfth Or Equivalent from any perceived Board/college. English writing @35 w.p.m. or, on the other hand Hindi writing @30 w.p.m. furthermore, comparing 10,500 KDPH/9000KDPH on a normal of 5 key discouragements for each word.
- Vendor - Matric with twelfth or Equivalent from any perceived Board. Least one year involvement in comparative work. Information of PC in MS Word. Testament course in Store keeping/Store administration.
- CTI (Electrician) - High School Or Equivalent from any perceived Board/college with Industrial Training Institute (ITI)/National Certificate of Trade and Vocational Training in concerned Trade. Ought to have satisfactory aptitude and learning to confer preparing to initiates.
- Cook - Matriculation or Equivalent from any perceived Board/University. Must know about Indian Cooking and capability in exchange. Attractive - Conversant with obligations of his exchange, any higher capability and one year encounter for the post of Messenger.
- Detachment - High School or Equivalent from perceived Board. Familiar with the obligations of his exchange, and One year encounter for the post of Messenger.
- Gatekeeper - High School or Equivalent from perceived Board. Attractive - Conversant with the obligations of his exchange, and One year encounter for the post of Watchman.
- Lascar - High School or Equivalent from perceived Board.
- Tailor - High School or Equivalent from any perceived Board/college. Familiar with the obligations of his exchange, and One year encounter for the post of Tailoring.
- Washerman - High School or Equivalent from perceived Board. Alluring - Conversant with the obligations of his exchange, and One year encounter for the post of Washerman.
- Safaiwala - High School or Equivalent from perceived Board. Alluring - Conversant with the obligations of his exchange, and One year encounter for the post of Safaiwala.