NII Recruitment 2017 - JRF (Life Science) job notification. National Institute of Immunology will recruit candidates for the Job post of JRF (Life Science). Apply for this National Institute of Immunology Vacancy before 23 February 2017.
➽ National Institute of Immunology Recruitment Details
- Job Post - JRF (Life Science)
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 25000/-
- Qualification - M.Sc
- Job Location - Delhi
- Last Date - 23 February 2017
- How to apply?
- To apply for National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) vacancy refer links given below.
- Notification link ➤
- http://www.nii.res.in/sites/default/files/Projectappointments-jcb-Dr.SKG-23feb2014.pdf
- Application link ➤
- https://goo.gl/YKu7wD
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- Click Here to register for latest government jobs update like this National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) recruitment.
➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ National Institute of Immunology recruitment notification : National Institute of Immunology has invited applications from the eligible candidates to apply for JRF (Life Science) job post.
❍ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this National Institute of Immunology recruitment drive for JRF (Life Science) job post can apply by application method as mentioned in the National Institute of Immunology notification - http://www.nii.res.in/sites/default/files/Projectappointments-jcb-Dr.SKG-23feb2014.pdf. Please refer to the official National Institute of Immunology notification links for the enlistment of JRF (Life Science) job post given above for reference. National Institute of Immunology JRF (Life Science) application information is given here - https://goo.gl/YKu7wD.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible Candidates who are interested in this National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) recruitment are advised to apply before 23 February 2017.
Candidates applying for this National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) job notification given above.
Candidates applying for this National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the National Institute of Immunology - JRF (Life Science) job notification given above.
✛ Further National Institute of Immunology JRF (Life Science) Job Details
- JRF Life Science enlistment in National Organization of Immunology (NII)
- Extend Title : J. C. Bose Fellowship financed by SERB
- Capabilities : M.Sc in Life Sciences. The Competitor ought to have qualified any National Level Examination (NET), according to DST Rules.
- No. of Post : 01
- Remittances : Rs. 25,000/ - every month
- Expense : Request Draft of Rs 100/ - drawn on Canara Bank or Indian Bank payable at Delhi/New Delhi for the Executive, NII
- Procuring Process : Composed test
- Work Part: Exploration/JRF/SRF