Indian Navy Recruitment 2017 - Engineer job notification. Indian will recruit candidates for the Job post of SSC Executive Technical Branches. Apply Online for this Indian Navy Vacancy before 24 February 2017.
➽ Indian Navy Recruitment Details
- Job Post - Engineer (SSC Executive Technical Branches)
- Qualification - BE / B.Tech (Aero, ECE, ICE, Marine, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical, Mineral / Mining, Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation)
- Age Criteria - Candidates must be born in (2 January 1993 to 2 July 1998)
- Job Location - Pan India
- Last Date - 24 February 2017
- How to apply?
- To apply for Indian Navy - SSC Executive Technical Branches vacancy refer links given below.
- Notification link ➤
- http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/index.php
- Application link ➤
- https://goo.gl/fAKNkm
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➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ Indian Navy recruitment notification : Indian Navy has invited applications from the eligible candidates to apply for SSC Executive Technical Branches job post.
❍ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this Indian Navy recruitment drive for SSC Executive Technical Branches job post can apply through Online mode. Please refer to the official Indian Navy notification links for the enlistment of SSC Executive Technical Branches job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible Candidates who are interested in this Indian Navy - SSC Executive Technical Branches recruitment are advised to apply before 24 February 2017.
Candidates applying for this Indian Navy - SSC Executive Technical Branches job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Indian Navy - SSC Executive Technical Branches job notification given above.
Candidates applying for this Indian Navy - SSC Executive Technical Branches job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Indian Navy - SSC Executive Technical Branches job notification given above.
❍ Age Criteria : Age of candidates applying for SSC Executive Technical Branches profile of this Indian Navy enlistment must be Candidates must be born in (2 January 1993 to 2 July 1998).
✛ Further Indian Navy Job Details
- SSC (Official and Specialized Branches) Occupations enrollment in Indian Navy
- Applications are welcomed from unmarried Men contender for concede of Short Administration Commission in Official Branch (General Administrations/Hydro Unit) and Specialized Branches of the Indian Navy for January 2018 Course at Indian Maritime Institute (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala.
- Instructive Capabilities : Competitors more likely than not finished BE/B. Tech Degree with least 60% stamps in total from a perceived college in one of the accompanying determined streams:
- Official (GS) Branch
- Official (GS/Hydro Framework) : BE/B. Tech (Any train)
- Designing Branch (General Administration) : (i) Marine Mechanical, Aeronautical, (ii) Generation, (iii) Metallurgy, (iv) Control, (v) Electrical/Hardware, (vi) Media transmission, (vii) Software engineering, (viii) Instrumentation, (ix) Instrumentation and Control, (xi) Car, (xii) Mechtronics, (xiii) Aviation and (xiv) BS Building
- Electrical Branch (General Administration) : (i) Electrical (ii) Gadgets (iii) Media transmission (iv) Software engineering (v) Control Engg. (vi) Hardware and Correspondence (vii) Control Framework Engg. (viii) Control Gadgets (ix) Instrumentation and Control Engg. (x) Gadgets and Instrumentation Engg.
- Physical Measures :
- (a) Height& weight: Least stature Male ? 157 cm, Female ? 152 cm with related weight.
- Visual perception :
- Official (GS/Hydro)
- Without Glass : 6/12
- With Glass : 6/6
- Specialized (General Administration)
- Without Glass : 6/24
- With Glass : 6/6
- Age Constrain : The hopefuls applying for the above sections must conceived in 02nd January 1993 to 02nd July 1998 comprehensive.
- Choice Methodology : (a) The applicants will be issued ring for Administrations Choice Board (SSB) in view of their execution in Degree Course. On the off chance that a competitor has higher capability with better rate, his higher capability will be considered for cut off. Coordinated Base camp, Service of Barrier (Navy) claims all authority to waitlist applications and to settle cut off rate. No correspondence will be engaged on this record. SSB meets for short recorded competitors will be planned at Bangalore/Bhopal/Coimbatore/Visakhapatnam amid May 17 to Jul 17.
- Contracting Process : Composed test
- Work Part: Build (Center, Non-IT)