IIT Kanpur will recruit candidates for the Job post of Project Engineer. Apply for this IIT Kanpur Vacancy before 23 February 2017.
➽ IIT Kanpur Recruitment Details
- Job Post - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF)
- Vacancy - 1
- Qualification - ME / M.Tech
- Job Location - Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
- Last Date - 23 February 2017
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- To apply for IIT Kanpur - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) vacancy refer links given below.
- Notification link ➤
- http://iitk.ac.in/dord/project/pe-ae-15-02-17.html
- Application link ➤
- https://goo.gl/rCdhS3
➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ IIT Kanpur recruitment notification : IIT Kanpur has invited eligible candidates to apply for Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job post.
❍ IIT Kanpur Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this IIT Kanpur recruitment drive for Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job post can apply by application method as mentioned in the IIT Kanpur notification - nnn. Please refer to the official IIT Kanpur notification links for the enlistment of Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible candidates who are interested in this IIT Kanpur - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) recruitment are advised to apply before 23 February 2017.
Candidates applying for this IIT Kanpur - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the IIT Kanpur - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job notification given above.
Candidates applying for this IIT Kanpur - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the IIT Kanpur - Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) job notification given above.
✛ Further IIT Kanpur Project Engineer (Research / JRF / SRF) Job Details
- Extend Engineer enlistment in IIT Kanpur on legally binding premise
- Extend titled: 'Improvement of a 2D Unbalanced Material Warm Reaction Code for Ablative/Non-ablative Warm Insurance Arrangement of Reentry Bodies'
- Prerequisites: 1. Ace of Innovation in Aviation design
- Attractive: 1. Involvement in composing and utilizing logical codes identified with the point of the venture. 2. Information of HYPERSONICS, COMPUTATIONAL Warmth Exchange and Liquid Flow, FORTRAN and LaTeX in UNIX/Linux stages.
- No.of Post: 1
- Choice Method: Composed test/meet.
- Intrigued applicants may send their applications on plain paper including the points of interest of finish proficient scholastic record (append duplicates of authentications) and work understanding to the Prof. Rakesh Kumar,Non-harmony Stream Reproduction Lab,Aerospace Engineering Office, Email : rkm@iitk.ac.in at the latest 23rd Feb, 2017. The application should likewise give contact addresses (counting email ids and phone nos.).
- The division maintains whatever authority is needed to settle reasonable criteria for short posting of qualified competitors fulfilling capabilities and experience. Just the short-recorded hopefuls will in like manner be required the meeting.