CUJ Recruitment 2017 - Central University of Jharkhand will recruit candidates for the Job post of Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor). Apply for this CUJ Vacancy before 14 March 2017.
➽ CUJ Recruitment Details
- Job Post - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor)
- Vacancy - 54
- Salary - Rs. 15600 - 67000/-
- Grade Pay - Rs. 6000 - 10000/-
- Qualification - PhD
- Job Location - Jharkhand
- Last Date - 14 March 2017
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- To apply for CUJ - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) vacancy refer links given below.
- Notification link ➤
- http://www.cuj.ac.in/recruitment/downloads/2.%20Advt.%20Teaching%20Position%20Feb.%202017.pdf
- Application link ➤
- http://www.cuj.ac.in/recruitment2017.php
➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ CUJ recruitment notification : CUJ has invited eligible candidates to apply for Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job post.
❍ CUJ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this CUJ recruitment drive for Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job post can apply by application method as mentioned in the CUJ notification - http://www.cuj.ac.in/recruitment/downloads/2.%20Advt.%20Teaching%20Position%20Feb.%202017.pdf. Please refer to the official CUJ notification links for the enlistment of Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible candidates who are interested in this CUJ - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) recruitment are advised to apply before 14 March 2017.
Candidates applying for this CUJ - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the CUJ - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job notification given above.
Candidates applying for this CUJ - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the CUJ - Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) job notification given above.
✛ Further CUJ Faculty (Professor / Assistant Professor) Job Details
- CUJ welcomes applications from the qualified subjects of India for the accompanying Faculty positions in different focuses to filled by direct enlistment on standard premise.
- The last date for accommodation of online applications is fourteenth March 2017.
- Opportunity Disciplines: Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Computer Science and Technology, Education, Far East Language (Chinese), Hindi Department, Human Rights and Conflict, Management, Indigenous Culture Studies, International Relations, Life Sciences, Mass Communication, Music and Performing Arts, Tribal and Customary Law and Tribal Folklore Language and Literature.
- Instructive Qualification: Good scholastic record with a Ph.D Degree in the concerned/unified/important orders. A Master's Degree with no less than 55% imprints (or an identical review in a point scale wherever evaluating framework is taken after).
- Encounter: Minimum 10 Years Experience for Professor, 08 Years Experience for Associate Professor.
- Application Fee: ₹ 500/ - for General and OBC applicants. There is no expense for SC, ST, PH and Women competitors.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible Interested hopefuls need to present the Online Application Form prior to 14/03/2017. The printed copy of the online application along with Self bore witness to duplicates of required records/testaments ought to be reach to Registrar of CUJ. The Candidates are required to say Advertisement No, Advertisement Date, Name of the post connected for and Name of the Center in which post connected for on the highest point of the envelope.