GSSSB Vacancy 2017 - GSSSB will recruit 432 Clerk / Accountant / Inspector. Apply before 07 February 2017.
➽ GSSSB Recruitment Details
- Job Post - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector
- Vacancy - 432
- Qualification - Graduate
- Age Criteria - 18 to 35 years
- Job Location - Gujarat
- Last Date - 07 February 2017
- Application mode - Online
- How to apply?
- To apply for GSSSB - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector vacancy refer links given below
- Notification link ➤
- https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/AdvtList.aspx?type=lCxUjNjnTp8%3d
- Application link ➤
- https://goo.gl/TbQrkk
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- Click Here to register for government job updates like this GSSSB recruitment.
➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ GSSSB recruitment notification : GSSSB has invited application from the candidates from Gujarat region to apply for Clerk / Accountant / Inspector job post.
❍ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this GSSSB recruitment drive for Clerk / Accountant / Inspector job post can apply through Online mode. Please refer to the official GSSSB notification links for the enlistment of Clerk / Accountant / Inspector job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible Candidates who are interested in this GSSSB - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector recruitment are advised to apply before 07 February 2017.
Candidates applying for this GSSSB - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the GSSSB - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector recruitment notification given above.
Candidates applying for this GSSSB - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the GSSSB - Clerk / Accountant / Inspector recruitment notification given above.
❍ Age Criteria : Age of candidates applying for Clerk / Accountant / Inspector profile of this GSSSB enlistment must be 18 to 35 years.
✛ Further Details
- Instructive Capability: [Details look at authority notice] Least Four year college education (Graduate) from concerned teach from Perceived College/Organization.
- Age Confine: Least 18 Year Most extreme 35 Years. Age Unwinding according to Gujarat Govt. Rules.
- Application Expense: ₹ 100/ - (in addition to postal charge ₹ 12/ - ) for all posts.
- Instructions to Apply: Qualified Indian Nationals apply through Online Employment Application Framework (OJAS) Gujarat Online Enlistment Entryway at the latest 07/02/2017 up to Midnight. For any elucidation/inquiries contact Help line Number - 18002335500.