AMU Job Recruitment updates - Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh will recruit Assistant Professor, Research Assistant and Junior Research Fellow with a salary package of ~ Rs. 45100/-. Apply before 11 NOVEMBER 2016.
- Job Post - Assistant Professor
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 15600-39100/-
- Grade Pay - Rs. 6000/-
- Last Date - 11 NOV 2016
- Qualification - Post Graduate
- Fees - Rs. 300/-
- Notification Link - http://www.amu.ac.in/newtenders/7291.pdf
- Job Post - Research Assistant
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 33600/-
- Last Date - 10 NOV 2016
- Qualification - M. Tech
- Fees - Nil
- Notification Link - https://goo.gl/dt7OhV
- Job Post - Junior Research Fellow
- Vacancy - 02
- Salary - Rs. 12000/-
- Last Date - 07 NOV 2016
- Qualification - B. Tech / M. Tech
- Fees - Nil
- Notification Link - https://goo.gl/sze0oi
- Job Location - Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
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- Mission of AMU
- To be known as imaginative, inventive and fruitful community for giving brilliant example/example investigation.
- To make accessible the offices at sensible charges to the Employees, Researchers, Inquire about Researchers from Colleges, Labs, Foundations, and Ventures that are either Government or secretly subsidized.
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- Vision of AMU
- Aligarh Muslim University intends to end up one of the main Center in India by obtaining the most recent and refined instruments.
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- Values of AMU
- An exclusive expectation of uprightness and subsequently goes for most abnormal amounts of value and polished methodology in our administrations.
- Turned into a watching over every one of the individuals who contact us.
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- Principal's Message
- Today the world economy is encountering an exceptional change. New advancements in science and innovation, media insurgency, internationalization of instruction and the steadily extending aggressive environment are altering the training scene.
- There is an outlook change in advanced education on each front, from 'National instruction' to 'Worldwide training', from 'One time training for a couple' to 'long lasting ducation for all', from 'instructor driven instructions' to 'learner driven instruction'.
- The Indian advanced education framework has another part and a test to give to the country and the world AMU. Aligarh Muslim University is a pioneer in progressive instruction.
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- The vision of AMU is to give reasonable, applicable, industry arranged and world class proficient training for all. AMU is visualized as focus of brilliance in Innovation, Administration and Research. It plans to encourage and advance a successful learning environment to create in fact skilled specialists with good and moral qualities. In view of this, the dynamic working gathering of AMU has given the best framework and offices, profoundly experienced staff, howdy tech classrooms and workshops and a committed recruitment cell at an area that is preferably suited for higher learning.
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- Also, AMU is guided by a Counseling Board comprising of famous identities from The scholarly world, Industry, Colleges and Corporate from over the globe to guarantee World class instruction.
- It is gladly Islamic and gladly Indian foundation: a living image of composite culture of India and a defense of its mainstream standards.
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- Vice Chancellor's Message
- A warm welcome my dear understudies. It regards have the youthful blood of AMU back in real life. You are the souls of this organization and share a major duty of contributing effectively towards the advance of the University. I urge you to benefit as much as possible from all that the University brings to the table.
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- I additionally need to praise the new understudies. In going along with us at Aligarh Muslim University you are accomplishing more than enlisting at one of India's the most seasoned university. You are presently a part of the family which places incredible significance on scholarly perfection and administration to society; a family which was fathered by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, an instructor, lawmaker, Islamic reformer and an innovator.
- Convention is at the heart of AMU, and you just need to check out the grounds to see it. It is one of the principal foundations set up amid the English Control and has seen the pre-autonomy opportunity battle. It has seen eras of anxious understudies enter for their examination. A significant number of those same understudies would come back to it later, energized and sure for their meeting function.
- The future anticipating you will be more testing and globalized than for any past era. As it is we have a socially different understudy populace from different states and different nations.
- We expect to expand the quantity of global understudies, and soon our educational modules will be in a state of harmony with the lion's share of training frameworks around the globe. Presently it is additionally the ideal opportunity for our understudies to grasp a more extensive, wealthier, more global and multicultural world view-in light of the fact that in any case from which state or locale you are from, all of you share a typical predetermination of an internationalized future. Grasp contrasts and be interested in them, remain consistent with what is correct and set yourself up to be a worldwide resident.
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- Worldwide citizenship implies feeling an awareness of other's expectations for the effect that your decisions will have on others-locally and over the limits of country, races and religions. It implies finding out about different societies and taking up new dialects. It implies getting to be free considering; socially mindful people who are set up to have any kind of effect to the world.
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- I trust you will be liberal in offering your home societies to your colleagues and that your time with us at AMU will be mentally and socially fulfilling. There are numerous approaches to start your worldwide citizenship and there is no preferred time to begin once again now. I am depending on you to fortify its custom here at AMU and make it - a university effectively rich with convention - one of our most grounded and proudest.
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