TNAU job notification updates - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore will recruit Senior Research Fellow, SRF and Computer Operators with a salary package of ~ Rs. 25000/-. Apply before 24 NOV 2016.
TNAU Recruitment
TNAU Recruitment Details
- Job Post - Senior Research Fellow
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 20000-25000/-
- Job Post - Computer Operator
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 16,000/-
- Selection Method - Written Test / Personal Interview
- Job Location - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- Last Date - 24 DEC 2016
- Notification -
- https://sites.google.com/a/tnau.ac.in/directorate-of-students-welfare/what-s-new
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, TNAU Jobs
- TNAU, which remains for the development of horticulture, improvement of the ranchers and the advance of the Country has taken up the difficult duty to outline the base rules for building up new degree programs in agribusiness and united sciences. There is a critical need to survey the present imminent of higher agricultural training to cook the present day nearby and worldwide necessities. The agricultural graduates should be altogether outfitted with information, aptitudes, capacity to meet the test without bounds and to rise as a business visionary in agribusiness and partnered division and additionally to wind up an answer supplier in rustic ranges to advance the truly necessary change of Indian towns with business suggestions from customary farming.
- Latest TNAU vacancies.
- Certain angles on which more accentuation is required in agricultural instruction are firmly connected to educational module, ability era, employment ability attributes and framework which are basically required in any agricultural organization, in order to coordinate the graduates perform sufficiently to address the issues of the country and face worldwide aggressiveness.
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- Enhancing the instructive quality is the best way to accomplish the focused on graduates through setting up least benchmarks for appropriate training in agribusiness as far as framework, labor and different coordination, so that the understudies get required learning and experience to confront the difficulties in future and upgrade their capacities to convey according to require.
- All TNAU Jobs are updated here.
Administration of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, TNAU
- The Leading group of administration typically meets quarterly consistently and takes choices on vital regulatory issues.
- Academic Council - The Scholastic Committee is the statutory power of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, which manages the instructing and examination in the University and is in charge of the support of the training guidelines there of. The Scholarly Gathering comprises of the many working staffs, other than the Director.
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- Board of Studies - There are numerous resources for the smooth working of TNAU. Every workforce has a Leading group of Studies which proposes courses of investigation of different projects offered in the personnel and educational module of the University and prompts the Scholarly Board with respect to the syllabi of the different undergrad and post graduate degree programs. Taking after is the arrangement of the Leading group of Studies.
- Research Council - The Examination Chamber is the approach making body on Research in the Resources and Research Stations of the University. It comprises of the accompanying authorities as individuals other than Executive and Chief of Research as the Part Secretary. The gatherings of the Exploration and Augmentation Committee, are held regularly twice in a year to audit the advance and to detail the new research polices.
- Extension Training Council - This Committee details arrangements and expansive blueprints of Augmentation Instruction exercises to be done by TNAU University in interview and participation with the Administration Divisions concerned. This Chamber too contains many utilized authorities.
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