NAFED job notification updates - National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Fedration of India Limited will recruit Senior Field Representative and Junior Accounts Assistant with a salary package of ~ Rs. 81100/-. Apply before 12 DEC 2016.
NAFED Recruitment
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NAFED Recruitment Details
- Job Post: Senior Field Representative
- Vacancy: 25
- Salary: Rs. 25500 - 81100/-
- Qualification: B.SC
- Max Age: 30 years
- Job Post: Junior Accounts Assistant
- Vacancy: 15
- Salary: Rs. 21700 - 69100/-
- Qualification: Graduate
- Max Age: 30 years
- Last Date: 12 DEC 2016
- Job Location: Maharashtra
- Notification:
- http://www.nafed-india.com/Documents/News/20161111171950703.doc
- About NAFED
- Nafed was setup with the question advance Co-agent advertising of Agricultural Produce to profit the ranchers. Rural agriculturists are the principle individuals from Nafed, who have the power to state as individuals from the General Body in the working of Nafed.
- Latest NAFED vacancies.
- Objectives of NAFED
- The goals of the association might be to compose, advance and create showcasing, preparing, stockpiling and dispersion of horticultural in India. To encourage, organize and advance the advertising and exchanging exercises of the helpful establishments, accomplices and partners in farming, different items, articles and products.
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- To attempt or advance all alone or for the benefit of its part Institutions or the Government or Government Organizations, Inter-State and global exchange and trade and embrace, wherever fundamental, deal, buy and circulation of agrarian wares, green and timberland deliver, different articles and products from different hotspots for seeking after its business exercises and to go about as the office for canalization of fare and import and interstate exchange of horticultural and different wares or articles under any plan figured by the Government of India or other Government offices and to encourage these exercises, wherever essential, to open branches/sub-workplaces and delegate specialists at wherever inside the nation or abroad.
- All NAFED Jobs are updated here.
- To embrace buy, deal and supply of farming, advertising and preparing imperatives. To go about as distribution center man under the Warehousing Act and possess and build its own godowns and icy stockpiles. To go about as protection specialist and to attempt all such work which is coincidental to the same. To sort out consultancy work in different fields for the advantage of the helpful organizations when all is said in done and for its individuals specifically. To set up capacity units for putting away different wares and products, without anyone else or as a team with whatever other office in India or abroad.
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- To keep up transport units of its own or as a team with some other association in India or abroad for developments of products and attempt other coincidental exercises. To propel credits to its individuals and other agreeable organizations on the security of merchandise or something else. To ensure advances or advances or offer endeavors to any Society or Company in which the Federation has a shareholding or money related contributions as a promoter to have the capacity to help its improvement or extension or for beginning any modern undertaking by such social orders/organizations.
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