KSAPS Job Recruitment updates - Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society will recruit Medical Officers with a salary package of ~ Rs. 45000/-. Apply before 25 NOV 2016.
- Recommended
- KSAPS Official Website
- KSAPS Wikipedia Page
- Job Post - Senior Medical Officer
- Vacancy - 15
- Salary - Rs. 45000/-
- Qualification - MBBS / MD / Diploma (Public Health)
- Experience - 3 years
- Job Post - Medical Officer
- Vacancy - 03
- Salary - Rs. 36000/-
- Qualification - MBBS
- Last Date - 25 NOV 2016
- Maximum Age - 65 years
- Apply Link -
- http://www.ksaps.gov.in/pdfs/SMO-MO%20Recruitment%20for%20ART%20Centers-%20KSAPS.zip
- Objectives of KSAPS
- To counteract HIV transmission and to control its spread.
- To lessen grimness and mortality connected with HIV disease.
- To lessen the antagonistic social and monetary effect coming about because of HIV disease.
- To co-ordinate and fortify ailment observation.
- To give specialized support in ailment counteractive action and control to Government and Non-Governmental Organizations.
- To improve the group mindfulness, particularly information, state of mind and routine of high hazard bunches.
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- To create Health Education materials for circulation and selection by organizations working in AIDS counteractive action.
- To channelize and coordinate the exercises of Non–Governmental Organizations in avoidance and control.
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- To advance security of Blood and Blood items and empower Voluntary Blood Donation development.
- To give offices and to fortify administrations identifying with Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Government and Private Medical Institutions and Practitioners.
- To give Counseling administrations.
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- To sort out social support for administration of contaminated patients.
- To use the earnings and assets gathered and gifts if any got, by the general public exclusively towards the objects of the general public.
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- To bear on the exercises without the expectation of making any benefit.
- To do its exercises inside India for the advantage of the general population.
- The objects of the Society are likewise to extend the medicinal offices to all subjects.
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