HCL job notification updates - Hindustan Copper Limited will recruit Experienced working Professionals and Fresher Management Trainees with a salary package of ~ Rs. 62000/-. Apply before 15 DEC 2016.
HCL Recruitment
HCL Recruitment Details
- Job Post: Experienced/Fresher Management Trainees
- Vacancy: 153
- Salary: Rs. 16400-62000/-
- Qualification: Graduate / MBBS / CA
- Selection Method: Written Test and/or Personal Interview
- Last Date: 15 DEC 2016
- Fee: Rs. 1000/-(general) / Rs. 500/-(non-general)
- Notification:
- http://www.hindustancopper.com/PDF/HCL_Rec_21102016.pdf
- Amendment:
- http://www.hindustancopper.com/PDF/AMD_EXE_RECT_2016.pdf
- Apply:
- http://www.hindustancopper.com/Recruitment/Register.asp
HCL Jobs
- About Hindustan Copper Limited
- HCL is an open part undertaking and was fused in 1967. HCL is completely dedicated to the idea of working in a situation agreeable air. Notwithstanding the natural insurance measures that were in-worked with the first venture, extra strides have been taken to comply with all the administrative principles recommended by the Contamination Control powers.
- Latest HCL vacancies.
- Vision of Hindustan Copper Limited
- To endeavor to be a main metal mining organization and amplify add up to shareholder return by economical discovering, creating, and mining copper metal and such other topographically related minerals.
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- Mission of Hindustan Copper Limited
- To accomplish feasible development in business through ideal and proficient utilization of existing assets and resources. To accomplish fast development of mining limit through extension of existing mines, re-opening of shut mines and green field ventures.
- All HCL Jobs are updated here.
- Point by point investigation of existing mines and new mining leases to extend mining limit. To upgrade the estimation of the Organization by concentrating on execution change. To absorb best in class innovation in investigation, mining and beatification of metals for upper hand.
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- To take a stab at ceaseless change in efficiency and vitality to carry at standard with the best globally. To proceed with advancement through research and improvement.
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