BSSC Job Recruitment updates - Bihar Staff Selection Commission will recruit Primary teachers with a salary package of ~ Rs. 34800/-. Apply before 24 OCTOBER 2016.
- Recommended
- BSSC Official Website - www.bssc.bih.nic.in
- BSSC Online Application - https://secure.bsscpatna.com
- Jobs Career Page - www.bssc.bih.nic.in/NoticeBoard.htm
- Job Post - Primary Teachers
- Vacancy - 272 Posts
- Salary - Rs. 9300-34800/-
- Grade Pay - Rs. 4200/-
- Job Location - Bihar
- Min Age - 18 years
- Max Age - 42 years
- Last Date - 24 OCT 2016
- Notification Link - https://goo.gl/twyS6C
- Apply Link - https://secure.bsscpatna.com
- A Prologue to BSSC
- This Staff Choice Commission capacities under the principles and direction drove by the government of Bihar.
- Bihar Administration Choice Board was broken down ahead of time and after the disintegration of the school load up administration has been incorporated into the Commission.
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- Commission Structure of BSSC
- This Staff Determination Commission works under the chairmanship of an executive and two individuals from the IAS Unit falling under the classification of Secretary and Administrator of different frameworks whose compensation is at the very least government authorities designated by part.
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- Commission Secretary and Joint Secretary at the authoritative level, which are the bearers of Regulatory Administration in Bihar.
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- A strategy to see court cases are legitimate who is assigned by the government.
- Functions of BSSC
- Driving out constrained focused examination with the end goal of direct recruitment.
- Every framework/regulatory administration and/or instructive capabilities endorsed for the job post, specialized capabilities/aptitudes, working knowledge, contingent upon your choice, the guinea pig/syllabus which were filled notices obviously.
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- Notice told by the Government in such manner, standard or roundabout, then it must be encased with appropriate records.
- Least and Most extreme age limit for the slice off date to be depicted.
- Arrangement letter must be sent by authorities.
- Application Letter structure must be filled in well in all passages.
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