12th pass government vacancy: Welcome to "Pakka Sarkari Naukri". Get latest job notifications for 12th pass candidates. Are you looking for 12th pass job hiring search websites? You will find list of 12th pass online job posting applications, 12th pass sarkari naukri, 12th pass part time / temporary local jobs opportunities. 12th pass top job career seekers are searching for best available security jobs board and recruitment / employment agencies.
- 12th qualified govt recruitment by location
- 12th pass employment news by profile
- 12th qualified career scope
State wise Government Jobs for 12th Pass Candidates
- Assam - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Andhra Pradesh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Andaman & Nicobar - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Arunachal Pradesh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Bihar - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Chandigarh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Chhattisgarh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Dadra & Nagar Haveli - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Daman & Diu - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Delhi - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Goa - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Gujarat - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Haryana - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Jharkhand - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Himachal Pradesh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Jammu & Kashmir - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Karnataka - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Kerala - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Lakshadweep - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Madhya Pradesh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Maharashtra - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Manipur - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Meghalaya - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Mizoram - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Nagaland - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Odisha - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Puducherry - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Punjab - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Rajasthan - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Sikkim - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Tamil Nadu - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Telangana - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Tripura - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Uttar Pradesh - government jobs for 12th pass »
- West Bengal - government jobs for 12th pass »
Post wise Government Jobs for 12th Pass Candidates
- Accountant - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Architect - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Bank - government jobs for 12th pass »
- BPO - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Content Writer - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Clerk - government jobs for 12th pass »
- DEO / Data Entry Operator - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Doctor - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Engineer - government jobs for 12th pass »
- HR / Human Resource - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Intern - government jobs for 12th pass »
- IT Hardware Engineer - government jobs for 12th pass »
- IT Software Engineer / Developer - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Mechanic - government jobs for 12th pass »
- MR - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Office Boy - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Police - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Teacher - government jobs for 12th pass »
- Technician - government jobs for 12th pass »
- 12th pass - government jobs for 12th pass »
Career Scope of 12th Pass Candidates
Career scope after S.S.C
- On the off chance that you are finished with your class 12th and still far fetched about further studies. At that point, relax.
- It's an ordinary thing which practically every understudy confront eventually in his/her life.
- For the most part, the understudy fondles sort of messed while choosing profession alternative.
- So here in this article, we have recorded a portion of the jobs which will direct you to pick the best one as indicated by your advantage.
- Simply remember! Your job is going to fill the most piece of your life.
- So ! In the event that you need to be placated with your work then decide on something extraordinary.
- Yes ! Any job, which is by all accounts awesome to you.
- Furthermore, the best way to do extraordinary work is to love the job you do!
- Go simple ! Try not to give your imprints and result a chance to choose your future.
- Pick the course or job of your own decision. Get ears to everyone except settle on your own choice.
- With the consummation of my review, the expressions of Einstein is crashing into the contemplations in my psyche.
Jobs After 12th Pass
- Somebody has properly said, "Don't incline toward a job with extraordinary get-away time. Pick a profession that doesn't require getting away from… !"
Jobs For Science Stream students
Jobs in Indian Armed force- Indian armed force is one of the best and the most secure vocation decision nowadays for 12th pass students.
- It offers a lot of offices, jobs security, great compensation and above all great notoriety in the public eye.
Jobs in Indian Strengths
- There are such a large number of opportunities for the 12th pass students from the science foundation in resistance office. Consistently, the office discharges such a variety of recruitment warnings for the meriting competitors.
- Be that as it may! For the 12th passed students, there are vacancies for the most part for little posts yet one can join by keeping proceed with his/her studies.
Jobs in Backwoods Office
- On the off chance that you want to stay in contact with the earth, on the off chance that you want to feel the beautiful magnificence then the job in this division is proper for you.
- By and large, there is recruitment for the post of Timberland Gatekeepers for the 12th pass students. The pay bundle in this office is extraordinary.
Jobs in Science associations
- It is possible that it is arms industrial facility, Restorative Science universities or healing facility, there are various job opportunities for the students who are finished with class 12th.
- Every one of these jobs are incorporated into a government part and pay offered is additionally fulfilling. There is an or more point in the jobs that here, you will get the opportunity to take in more and more and nothing could be preferred other over staying in contact with your own most loved subjects.
Jobs For Business Stream students
- Tally Administrator Job
- This job requires no additional capability.
- All you need is a business foundation and a decent writing speed.
- This area is prospering step by step and there are hundred of vacancies discharged each month.
- Pay bundle offered relies on the organization working for.
- Be that as it may, for the most part, it is fulfilling to the students who are making it as low maintenance showing with regards to.
Data section administrator
- In the event that you have a decent information of bookkeeping up to the 12th level, then you can without much of a stretch apply for this job.
- The work is just restricted to take composed data from structures, applications or organization documents and you need to enter the data into PC framework databases.
- Is by all accounts simple yet requires a considerable measure of potential as the pay relies on upon the measure of work you do in a day.
Internship under Contracted bookkeeper
- On the off chance that you will likely turn into the contracted bookkeeper in future.
- At that point, begin setting it up from today.
- Yes, there are such a large number of sanctioned bookkeepers who employ bookkeepers under them furthermore offer a decent pay bundle.
- There you get paid and in the meantime, take in the abilities of bookkeeping.
Jobs For Expressions Stream students
- Freelance Author
- In the event that you have great written work aptitudes or on the off chance that you are among the individuals who viewed themselves as an inventive essayist, then you can begin composing as a consultant under some private daily paper or magazine.
- In the meantime, you can likewise apply as a substance author in various sites show on the web. Well ! Some national daily paper contracts meriting authors on a transitory premise. Simply try it out!
Indian Railway Jobs
- Expressions students can too have incredible profession opportunities.
- Associate, LDC, ticket authority and so on. Yes, They have significantly more to offer the students from Expressions foundation.
Police Department
- The police office likewise discharges the recruitment for the students who are finished with their 10+2.
- There are such a large number of vacancies discharged every year in various police division like activity police and state police.
Merchant Naval force
- Yes, the private foundation of Naval force which offer a magnificent pay bundle to its employees.
- For the general population who love to travel, this is a blessing from heaven.
Teaching Jobs
- Showing job is a standout amongst the most positive profession decisions for most. All you need is a little sympathy towards your work.
- Full commitment is required in this job. To start with make an attempt in some grade schools or you can likewise take educational cost. In any case, yes, proceed with your concentrates as well.
- To apply for government school or for better foundations, you should seek after B.Ed degree.
- For government schools, you will later need to split CTET.
Bank Administrative Jobs
- State Bank of India and IBPS likewise distributes job warning for 12th pass hopefuls.
- There is an or more point that you needn't bother with your training in some exceptional stream.
- Understudy of each stream is permitted to apply for the job.
Postal Jobs
- Yes, the job in post workplaces, by and large for multi-entrusting staff.
- A standout amongst the most unwinding and dependable jobs.
- One needs to clear the exam directed by the division consistently.
- All it requires is your essential information in each subject up to class tenth.