Social Justice and Empower Department of Rajasthan Jobs recruitment 2016 - SJE Rajasthan will recruit Principal and Teacher. Interested aspirants must apply before 15 SEP 2016.
- Organization - SJE Rajasthan
- Job Post - Principal and Teacher
- Vacancy - 256
- Qualification -Post Graduate
- Interview Date - 15 SEP 2016
- SJE Rajasthan official website - www.sje.rajasthan.gov.in
- About Social Justice and Empower Department of Rajasthan
- SJE Rajasthan is a vital and basic part of a welfare state which is likewise fused in order standards of state arrangements in the constitution of India.
- The constitution obviously states. "the State might advance with exceptional consideration the instructive and conservative interests of the weaker segments of the general population, and specifically of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and should shield from social unfairness and all types of misuse".
- Advancement suggests a social change from the current social structure and living condition to a superior and enhanced social structure with equivalent open doors for each fragment of the general public.
- Our general public comprises of various standings, statement of faith and classes with assorted status. Union and State Governments are resolved to give extraordinary thoughtfulness regarding weaker segments to upgrade their status.
- The Government is conferred for inspiring the weaker areas as indicated by the order standards of state strategies of the Indian constitution.
- The State Government chose to build up a different division for all-round improvement of these segments and was named as "The Backward Classes Department".
- The office was renamed as "Social Welfare Department" bringing different parts of social welfare under its wings. By a notice dated 21.02.2007, the division has been rechristened as SJE Rajasthan.
- SJE Rajasthan is essentially engaged and committed towards instructive and financial improvement of desperate and monetarily weaker youngsters, ladies and matured subjects.
- The division capacities as a nodal office for actualizing programs for enrollment of Specially crippled, dowagers, down and out and other socially and financially weaker areas of the Society.
- The Department is endowed with welfare of these sections of the general public.
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- The fundamental exercises of the office are :-
- Financial improvement of focused gathering.
- Instructive improvement of focused gathering by method for grants and lodging offices.
- Plans for standardized savings to old, uncommonly handicapped and dowager/down and out and so forth.
- Programs for restoration of medication dependent people, racketeers, unclaimed ladies and so on.
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