GOA PSC Jobs Recruitment 2016 - Goa Public Service Commission will recruit Senior Translator and Exploration Officers. Goa PSC will provide a salary of approx Rs. 34000/-. Candidates must apply before 23/09/2016.
- Recommended
- Goa PSC Official Website - http://www.goapsc.gov.in/
- Goa PSC Recruitment Apply Page - https://www.goaonlineexam.com/
- Job Post - Senior Translator
- Vacancy - 05
- Salary - Rs. 9300/- to Rs. 34800/-
- Grade Pay - Rs. 4200/-
- Location - Panaji
- Qualification - Master Degree
- Age Limit - 42 years
- Job Post - Exploration Officer
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 9300/- to Rs. 34800/-
- Grade Pay - Rs. 4200/-
- Location - Panaji
- Qualification - Master Degree
- Age Limit - 42 Years
- Notification Link - http://goo.gl/TE40PL
- Apply Link - http://goo.gl/jDYj7N
- Goa Public Service Commission - Its Function and Recruitment Methodology
- To begin with, Goa PSC is a body made by the India Government.
- It exhorts on all matters identifying with Goa Civil Services.
- The orders from the Government are gotten as proposition showing number of opening in a specific post in a division or unit and the method of topping off the opportunities.
- The method of topping off the posts is either by direct enlistment welcoming applications from the open business sector or by method for advancement from lower grades which are called feeder grades.
- The enrollment is entirely represented and guided by Recruitment Rules surrounded by the Government under the exhortation from the Goa PSC.
- In the event of direct enlistment Goa PSC distributes commercial, tells the quantity of opportunities with necessities of vital capabilities and experience according to the Recruitment Rules.
- Get Latest Goa PSC Jobs here
- The reservation for different classes including age cutoff is additionally demonstrated.
- Just the hopefuls satisfying all the fundamental prerequisites of the Recruitment Rules are thought to be qualified.
- Information of the neighborhood dialect "Konkani" will be viewed as fundamental capability for direct enlistment through Goa PSC.
- Contingent on the quantity of applicants discovered qualified the competitors are short-recorded by different strategies which might be composed tests, individual interview or different tests like - aptitude, physical wellness, screening, GD and so on.
- Amid individual interview the scholarly record of the hopefuls is contemplated.
- In any case, the execution of the hopefuls in the interview, his identity, tolerance, conduct, general learning, promptitude, and so on are additionally mulled over.
- Goa PSC perpetually accepts help and counsel of senior and experienced individual in the pertinent field.
- As needs be, a legitimacy rundown is arranged and sent to the administration with suggestion to choose the applicants in the request of legitimacy.
- The applicants are educated that Goa PSC is just a prescribing power and its recommendation is not authoritative on the concerned Government.
- At present Goa PSC manages the enrollment or advancement just of Group "An" and Group "B" framework Officers.
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