CSIO Job Recruitment 2016 updates - Central Scientific Instruments Organization will recruit Project Assistant, Junior Recommended Fellow and Scientist with a salary package of ~ Rs. 25000.
- Recommended
- CSIO Official Website - www.csio.res.in
- CSIO Jobs Career Page - https://goo.gl/q0XJU3
- Job Post - Project Assistant
- Vacancy - 04 Posts
- Salary - Rs. 8000-25000/-
- Qualification - B.E./B.Tech
- Job Post - Junior Research Fellow
- Vacancy - 02 Posts
- Salary - Rs. 25000/-
- Qualification - B.E./B.Tech/M.E./M.Tech
- Job Post - Scientist
- Vacancy - 01 Posts
- Salary - Rs.15600/-
- Grade Pay - 5400/-
- Qualification - B.E./B.Tech/M.E./M.Tech/Master Degree + PHD
- Job location - Chandigarh
- Interview Date - 30 SEP 2016 and 04 OCT 2016
- Notification Link - https://goo.gl/W3OgbP
- Application Link - https://goo.gl/PMcKUf
- About CSIO
- CSIO is a constituent unit of CSIR and is a head national lab committed to research, outline and advancement of exploratory and modern instruments.
- CSIO is a disciplinary and zenith modern examination association in India to invigorate development of Instrument Industry in our nation covering wide range and applications.
- It is a multi-dimensional association having all around prepared research centers kept an eye on by very qualified and all around prepared employees with infrastructural offices in the regions of instrumentation, machines and Gadgets.
- CSIO has planned and grown vast number of instruments going from easy to exceedingly complex one and their manuals have been passed on to the business for business misuse.
- Having contributed considerably towards the development of the logical business in India, CSIO appreciates high level of validity among the clients of the instruments and in addition the instrument business.
- Visit regularly for CSIO Recruitment Notification - https://goo.gl/q0XJU3
- Mission of CSIO
- This association needs to complete examination in specialty zones of estimation and creative instrumentation innovation for key applications
- Giving standard human asset improvement administrations in cutting edge instrumentation
- Rise as a worldwide player in the field of Instrumentation Sciences
- ALl CSIO Recruitment updates are given here - https://goo.gl/q0XJU3
- Mandate of CSIO
- To actualize Examination, configuration and advancement of mechanical instruments and exploratory apparatuses, parts and frameworks
- Give Administration, upkeep, testing and adjustment of instruments/parts
- Human Asset Office in the region of instrumentation
- In helping different businesses in India for exploratory and specialized reason
- Keep visiting this page for CSIO Jobs - https://goo.gl/q0XJU3
- CISO in the field of Farming Instrumentation
- This field of administration gave by CSIO is one of the push zones under institutional undertaking.
- The principle center of the horticultural instrumentation program drove by CSIO is to create advances identified with sensors and instrumentation for the quality appraisal in soil standard and agrarian produce.
- New Innovative work regions taken up are a portion of the accomplishments of sensors and related instrumentation at field level evaluation of value
- Rural Instrumentation exercises actualizes numerous errands, for example, skill in the field of Sensors and instrumentation for checking the nature of soil and horticultural items.
- Bookmark this page for CSIO Recruitment Notifications - https://goo.gl/q0XJU3