CPT - Cochin Post Trust, Kerala Recruitment 2016 update - Cochin Port will recruit Assistant Executive Engineer, Marine Engineer and Dredger Commander with a salary package of up to Rs. 54500/-. Apply before 06 OCTOBER 2016.
- Recommended
- CPT Official Website - http://cochinport.gov.in/
- CPT Recruitment Career Page - http://goo.gl/dQOzqo
- Job Post - Assistant Executive Engineer
- Vacancy - 03
- Salary - Rs. 20600/- to Rs. 46500/-
- Location - Kerala
- Qualification - B Tech/M Tech (Mechanical/Civil Engineering)
- Age Limit - 30 years
- Last Date - 06 OCTOBER 2016
- Notification Link - http://goo.gl/gZ33Fc
- Job Post - Marine Engineer
- Vacancy - 04
- Salary - Rs. 29100/- to Rs. 54500/-
- Location - Kerala
- Qualification - MOT 1st Class Motor Certificate
- Experience - 01 year as Chief Engineer
- Age Limit - 40 years
- Notification Link - http://goo.gl/bMFd0Y
- Job Post - Dredger Commander
- Vacancy - 01
- Salary - Rs. 29100/- to Rs. 54500/-
- Location - Kerala
- Qualification - Certificate of competency
- Experience - 06 months as Chief Officer
- Age Limit - 45 years
- Notification Link - http://goo.gl/bMFd0Y
- Mission of Cochin Port Trust
- This port needs to give tried and true, practical administrations through cutting edge and effective framework combined with fantastic, client neighborly administrations.
- Cochin Port should deal with its benefits and assets for ideal monetary use to India and the group.
- This association might endeavor to be the fundamental impetus for the monetary advancement of the locale, with a solid responsibility to sound arrangements and safe practices. The enrolled representatives and all partners of this association should fill in as a group in an open, positive, community oriented and helpful way.
- In quest for the above said mission, this association should be guided by the standards of trustworthiness, moral conduct, proficient perfection, administration to the group and regard for each person.
- Get latest Cohin Port Jobs on this page
- Vision of Cochin Port Trust
- Serve India as taking after -
- Open administration supplier
- Financial and Social advancement facilitator
- Business undertaking
- Biological conservator
- Goals of Cochin Port Trust
- Reinforcing its aggressive position
- Boosting space and foundation use
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