BIBCOL Recruitment 2016 Updates - Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals Corporation Limited, Uttar Pradesh upcoming Jobs.The
Last date to apply for BIBCOL, Uttar Pradesh recruitment has expired.
Eligible candidates will be informed about BIBCOL Jobs here.
- Recommended
- BIBCOL, UP official website - www.bibcol.com
- BIBCOL Recruitment Career Page - www.bibcol.com/index.php?con=vacancy
- About BIBCOL
- BIBCOL was built up as a PSU in 1989 and from that point forward is a main biotechnology organization.
- BIBCOL is an endeavor of Indian Government.
- This company has a place with the Central PSU so the enrolled competitor will land the focal Government Position.
- All the enrolled hopefuls will need to work at an occupation area in the condition of Uttar Pradesh as gave by BIBCOL.
- This company as of now makes and creates a scope of pharmaceuticals items, critical Vaccines and other Management unit.
- Aim of BIBCOL
- The point of this company is to accomplish independence for India regarding generation and supply of great administration units and other such utilities which falls under its administration zone.
- Principals of BIBCOL
- Since 1989, BIBCOL has contributed fundamentally to the destruction of Polio in India through the NIP arrangement.
- This organization is the pioneer in the field of immunization utilized for the destruction of polio and for this reason it additionally catches more than half of aggregate piece of the pie in our country.
- BIBCOL has accomplished a turnover of more than Rs. 300 Million and earned a net benefit of more than Rs. 8 Million.
- Taking into account the execution of the association and its reality class ensured framework, very talented labor and steady backing from different organizations, BIBCOL is one among the top organizations in our country in the field of Bio-Technology, as uncovered by late market overviews.
- Mission of BIBCOL
- The central mission of BIBCOL is to spare the lives of avoidable inability, through life sparing inoculation.
- This organization has eager arrangements to take up the creation and supply of different critical antibodies for assurance of human lives against frightful sicknesses. BIBCOL arrangements to fabricate different restorative units which will be useful in the treatment of different well being issue and insufficiency of the humankind.
- Future Plan of BIBCOL
- This organization detailed more than 10 Crore OPV dosses from mass and supply to NIP Program in 2006 and will proceed with the same later on, however this time even in a great deal more amount.
- Commitment for aggregate end of infections from India through ceaseless backing to NIP Program.
- Extension of Product Portfolio of creation.
- BIBCOL will make different pharmaceuticals for treatment of well being inadequacies and disarranges in the up and coming time.
- Visit this page regularly for BIBCOL JOBS - http://www.bibcol.com/index.php?con=vacancy
- MD about BIBCOL
- BIBCOL was fundamentally settled for supply of OPV Vaccines for the need of India to battle against illnesses, which was then an exceptionally difficult errand and given a most extreme need.
- BIBCOL has assumed an exceptionally pivotal part in disposal of polio from India with the assistance of tits OPV Vaccine.
- BIBCOL began its business creation in 1996 and after that it has constantly supplied dosages of OPV immunizations utilized for the annihilation of polio.
- India has met this test by getting to be without polio country and now BIBCOL has another test for its development and survival.
- This organization is getting prepared for portfolio expansion and the overseeing chief is confident that confidence of partners and the skill together with the dedication of the workers, officers and staffs supported over a long stretch will make it conceivable.
- As the organizations push forward to the following wilderness of development, the MD look for backing of all partners, who have made the adventure smooth regardless of a few difficulties.
- Bookmark this page for BIBCOL Recruitment Notification - http://www.bibcol.com/index.php?con=vacancy