YVU Recruitment 2016 – 01 Project Fellow Jobs – Yogi Vemana University is welcoming applications for posts of Project Fellow from the hopefuls. As a developing chief State Varsity devoted to instructing, Research and Service YMU be created by the Act of the AP State Legislative Assembly with impact from March in the year of 2006. The goals are Creation and scattering of information, Progress and thriving of individuals and social environment, Attainment of illuminated astuteness through headway of learning.
- YVU Name of the Post: Project Fellow (01-Vacancy)
- Age Bar: Candidates ought to have least of eighteen (18) years old however the upper age utmost is not revealed by Yogi Vemana University.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates who are intrigued for the post under Vemana University ought to had M.Sc. Material science with Specialization/Elective in Spectroscopy, Electronics, Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology from the perceived Institution with 60% score.
- Last Date: Candidates are prompted that must present their application structure before the Date-fifteenth March, 2016.
- http://www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in/downloads/Web%20call%20letter.docx
- YVU Yogi Vemana University Recruitment 2016 – 01 JRF, SRF and RA Jobs – The Department of Chemistry, Yogi Vemana University Kadapa is approaching with CSIR venture to select gifted and faithful one vocation seekers for the empty assignments of SRF, Junior Research Fellow and RA. No TA/DA will given for go to the individual meeting to applicants.
- Name and Sum of Posts: JRF/SRF/RA (01-Vacancy) Details: http://www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in/downloads/DST-SERB%20Notifiction,%20Dr.%20P.%20S.%20Sha%20Valli%20Khan,%20Department%20o.docx
- Age Bar: The upper age limit for SRF is 32 years, JRF 28 years and RA 35 years.
- Instructive Norms: Candidates having M.Sc. Natural Chemistry.
- Valuable Dates: The end date of receipt of utilization structure is 07th March, 2016.
- Determination Process: Candidates must be chosen on the premise of Personal Interview.
- General Instructions: Candidates must download the Official Notification for more points of interest of Educational Qualifications, Procedure of Apply, Selection Process and Other data.
- About Yogini Verma University
- Mision and Vision of Yogini Verma University
- Vision:
- Conceived to thrive in the scholarly space as one of the internationally eminent state funded colleges
- Shielding the soul of genuine instruction and make progress toward human and scholastic fabulousness.
- Making a dynamic and overwhelming environment for logical, scholarly and moral improvement
- To adjust best pedagogical practices that hone the astuteness, empower the fitness and reinforce the disposition of the understudies.
- To overhaul the required aptitudes with a specific end goal to productively contend in the realm of ferocious rivalry.
- To present and plan valuable, inventive and important courses tuned in to the necessities of society, the educated community and industry.
- To outfit the understudies with the required employability abilities by giving legitimate direction and heading.
- To guarantee complete objectivity in assessment by taking after solid practices.
- To serve as a signal light for the general public to advance and flourish in all fronts
- Mission: The University goes for:
- Turning into a theological school for improving learning and an asset community for exploration and socially valuable exercises.
- Building up coordinated effort with world class establishments with a profound feeling of sharing information and its advantages.
- Empowering and engaging the understudies by tapping their gifts and channelizing their capacities.
- Empowering the understudies, analysts and staff to take up the difficulties and contribute deliberately to the general advancement of the country.