Vehicle Depot Panagarh Recruitment 2016 - Vehicle Depot Panagarh will recruit 27 Firemen, LDC, and Other Post.
- Service of Defense, Vehicle Depot Panagarh welcomed applications for enlistment to the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Supdt (Store) re assigned as Material Assistant and Fireman. The hopefuls qualified for the post can apply through endorsed design inside 21 days (10 September 2016) from the date of production of the commercial.
- Vital Dates:
- Shutting Date of Application Forms: inside 21 days (10 September 2016) from the date of production of the ad
- Last Date of receipt of Application Forms for far flung ranges: inside 28 days from the date of distribution of the ad
- Vehicle Depot Panagarh Vacancy Details:
- Name of the vacancies:
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 05 vacancies
- Supdt (Store)/Material Assistant: 02 vacancies
- Fire fighter: 20 vacancies
- Step by step instructions to Apply for Vehicle Depot Panagarh Fireman, LDC and Supdt (Store) post:
- The applicants qualified for the post can apply through endorsed design and send the applications alongside other vital archives to the Commandant, Vehicle Depot Panagarh. Last date of receipt of use is inside 21 days from the date of distribution of the promotion.