Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued enrollment warning for Engineering Services Examination 2016 to fill opening in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering in Group An, A/B, An and B Services.Applicants can apply online from third August 2016 to sixteenth August 2016 till 11.59 PM.
- UPSC Engineering Services Exam Details: http://upsc.gov.in/general/engg.htm
- Name of the Examination : Engineering Services Exam, 2016
- Designing Disciplines : Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
- Name of Services/Posts :
- Indian Naval Armament Service, Military Engineer Service, Indian Railway Stores Service, Central Power Engineering Service, Indian Telecommunication Service, Central Water Engineering Service, Indian Supply Service, Survey of India, Indian Defense Service of Engineers, and Indian Radio Regulatory Service, Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Central Engineering Service, Border Roads Engineering Service, P&T Building Works, Geological Survey of India Engineering Service, Central Engineering Service (Roads),Indian Railway Service, Indian Inspection Service.
- Age Limit : Candidates must be of 21 years old and must not have accomplished the age of 30 years on 01 January 2016.i.e., he/she more likely than not been conceived not sooner than second January, 1986 and not later than first January, 1995.
- Training Qualification : Candidate must hold an Engineering Degree from a University consolidated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions. Then again Candidate more likely than not passed Sections An and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) or passed Graduate Membership Examination or passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections An and B of the Aeronautical Society of India
- Determination Process : Selection will be made through execution in Written Test (— Section I comprising just of target sort of inquiries and Section II of ordinary papers), Personality test, Interview and Medical Examination
- Preparing : All the probationers will be required to experience preparing for a time of one and half years
- Step by step instructions to Apply : Candidates are required to apply Online through UPSC's site www.upsconline.nic.in through connection "Point by point Application Form Engineering Services Examination, 2016" from third August 2016 to sixteenth August 2016 till 11.59 PM.
- Vital Dates
- Opening Date for Online Application Submission : 03.08.2016
- Shutting Date for Online Application Submission : 16.08.2016
- UPSC Notification Link: http://upscdaf.nic.in/daf/daf_ese_2016/Gazette.pdf
- UPSC Apply Link: http://upscdaf.nic.in/daf/daf_ese_2016/