Tikamgarh Recruitment 2016 for Computer Operators 8 Posts Application Form. Competitors willing to take a shot at contract premise as Computer Operators 8 posts in Tikamgarh District (Madhya Pradesh) ought to send their applications in recommended group alongside a late international ID measured photo and important records in order to achieve the given location at the latest the last date of 17-08-2016.
- Application frames got after expiry of the last date or generally discovered inadequate, won't be entertained.
- Dates to Remember :
- Last Date and time of Submission of finished application structure is : 17-08-2016 .
- Determination Mode :
- The determination board of trustees of Tikamgarh District might waitlist the contender for meeting, in view of specialization and experience.
- Expense Structure :
- Hopefuls don't need to pay any charge.
- Application method :
- Applicants who satisfy the qualification criteria, may apply to the posts by filling an application shape and sending it alongside significant archives in backing of capability, age and so forth to the given location at the very latest 17-08-2016 .Affix two late international ID size photos on application structure.
- The envelope ought to be superscripted appropriately with : "'Application for the post of __' Computer Operators
- Address for sending all applications :
- Office of District Panchayat (Social Justice), Tikamgarh District.
- Tikamgarh Official Website