Shivaji University is expecting to name 7 qualified applicants as Director/Professor and Various on authoritative premise and welcomes appplications from intrigued hopefuls most recent by 25-08-2016.
- Every one of the reports identified with age, capability and experience must be went with alongside the application structure. Applicants should firstly guarantee that they meet the required qualification criteria before applying, or else the applications might stand rejected by the determination board of trustees.
- Dates to Consider:
- Last date for receipt of Application structures : 25-08-2016 .
- Method of Recruitment :
- Determination will be on the premise of execution in individual Interviews in the wake of shortlisting on the premise of capability and experience.
- Expense Structure :
- There is No Application expense for this enrollment procedure.
- Instructions to Apply :
- Intrigued hopefuls having required capabilities may send applications for these posts by 25-08-2016 according to given organization. Applications ought to be recived at the location with every single pertinent record of capability, experience, age and photos.
- Superscribe the Envelope appropriately and protect a duplicate of use structure for future reference.
- Address:
- Shri. Venkateshwara Shikshan SansthâVenkateshwara Institute of Management (M.B.A), Peth Naka Gat No. 2665, Pune-Banglore (NH4) Highway, A/P. Peth, Tal-Walwa, Dist-Sangli 415 407 (Maharashtra).