SECL Recruitment 2016 - Mining Sirdar vacancies. South Eastern Coalfields Limited has discharged a notice for enrollment to 332 vacancies of Mining Sirdar vacancies. Online Applications might be submit to fill opportunities from upto twentieth September 2016.
- SECL Recruitment 2016 - Mining Sirdar vacancy Details: http://secl.gov.in/writereaddata/msirdar5071.pdf
- Name of Post : Mining Sirdar.
- Number of vacancies : 332 vacancies.
- Compensation : Rs. 19035.02/ -
- Age Limit : Minimum age point of confinement is 18 years and greatest 30 years for General (UR), 35 years for SC and ST competitors, 33 years for OBC hopefuls (Non Creamy Layer) as on 30th September 2016.
- About South Eastern Coalfields Ltd
- SECL earnestly trusts that CSR exercises assume an essential part in accomplishing comprehensive development. SECL is in the fore front in different CSR activities over the past numerous years. The center of SECL's CSR activities is incorporated advancement of group in the towns encompassing our foundations which are among the most backward tribal towns of India. SECL has started coordinated advancement of towns to encourage manageable income generation through job and by focusing on training and ability improvement. SECL is likewise offering offices in social insurance and framework to empower the recipients take part in pay era exercises. CSR exercises are said in subtle element in the Director's Report.
- Future Outlook of SECL
- SECL has been generally perceived as a vital asset and is fundamental for a present day personal satisfaction, a key giver to economical improvement and is a vital component in the upgraded vitality security. Among fossil fills, coal is the most financially aggressive with the least cost on a warmth equivalency premise contrasted and costs of normal gas and oil. Given this cost advantage, both created and creating nations use coal to deliver power. The far reaching reception of power enhances general natural quality and empowers higher expectations for everyday life.
- Mission and Vision of South Eastern Coalfields Limited
- The vision of SECL is to lead vitality supplier in the nation, by embracing the best practices and driving innovation from mine to advertise.
- The mission of SECL is to create and advertise the arranged amount of Coal and Coal items productively and monetarily with due respect to wellbeing, protection and quality.
- Safety prerequisites for SECL Recruited Employees
- Due administer to the security of the men and machines working in the mines. All conceivable measures are embraced ahead of time for the wellbeing in mines. To avert repeat of mischances, all the suggestions on the premise of discoveries of the mischance request are being actualized after pondering in the security board of trustees meeting. All laborers are being prepared according to need to make them mindful with the changing new advancements and strategy for workings with due thought to the security standards.