Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University SDAU Recruitment 2016 - Guest Lecturer Posts. SDAU has welcomed applications for the enlistment of Guest Lecturer opportunities on hourly premise. Qualified competitors may stroll in on 24-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.
- SDAU Vacancy Details: http://www.sdau.edu.in/Advertisement.php
- Add up to No. of Posts: 04
- Name of the Post: Guest Lecturer
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Master Degree in Environmental Science and Technology/Environmental Engineering/Elecrical Engineering/Business Mangement.
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen in light of meeting.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible applicants may show up for meeting alongside every single significant report on 24-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.
- Critical Dates:
- Date and Time of Interview: 24-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.
- Venue: Office of College of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar.
- For more points of interest like compensation and other data click on the connection given beneath.
- http://www.sdau.edu.in/Admin/ADVERTISEMENT_PDF/WALK-IN%20INTERVIEW1082016(2016-08-10_16_58_56).pdf
- SDAU Recruitment 2016 – Guest Lecturer Posts: SDAU has given a notice for the enlistment of Guest Lecturer opening at College of Agri Business Management on hourly premise. Qualified hopefuls may stroll in on 19-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.SDAU Vacancy Details:
- Name of the Post: Guest Lecturer
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have MBA with five star.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may stroll in alongside application in the recommended design alongside properly filled application and pertinent archives on 19-08-2016 at 10.00 A.M. in the workplace of College of Agri Business Management, SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar.
- Date and Time of Interview: 19-08-2016 at 10.00 A.M.
- SDAU Notification Link: http://www.sdau.edu.in/Admin/ADVERTISEMENT_PDF/ree1082016(2016-08-10_16_55_15).pdf
- About SDAU
- Mission and Vision of SDAU
- #Consummate thriving through agribusiness and partnered segments
- #Enhanced ranch salary through economical rural advancement for moderate, protected and excellent supplement solid homestead generation with no disintegration of the normal base and environment
- Grounds with peaceful and salubrious milieu.
- Condition of craftsmanship infrastructural offices for academic and extracurricular exercises.
- Quality instruction at undergrad and post graduate level in Agriculture,
- Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Home Science, Dairy and Food Technology,
- Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering and Agribusiness Management.
- Showcase of creature cultivation based farming.
- Scaled up field models for Integrated Farming System, Herd Improvement, Agro-Forestry and so on.
- Advantageous exploration in seed flavors, castor, cotton, wheat, pigeonpea, date palm,
- pomegranate, parched natural products, natural cultivating, soil wellbeing change comprehensive
- organisms controls, water administration comprehensive MIS, and group change of local dairy cattle and wild ox.
- Honorable work in heterosis rearing in castor, cotton and pigeonpea.
- Mind boggling research on blue tongue, brucella and PPR.
- Quality seed creation with Banas as Trade Mark .
- Concentrated window framework for ranchers consultative and information administrations.
- Mind boggling historical center of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel with preparing offices for agriculturists and expansion experts.
- Remarkable expertise advancement programs.
- Remarkable effort/showcase projects and linkages with agriculturists' gatherings.