RML Hospital Recruitment 2016 – Radiographer and Optometrist Posts:
Government of India, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital, New Delhi has
issued a notice for the enrollment of Radiographer and Optometrist
opening on consistent premise. Qualified competitors may apply in
recommended application design at the latest 31-08-2016. More
information given below.
Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital Vacancy Details:
Add up to No. of Posts: 04
Name of the Post:
1. Senior Radiographer: 01 Post
2. Radiographer: 01 Post
3. Optometrist: 02 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age breaking point ought to be not surpassing 30 years for S.No-1, 18 – 25 years for S.No-2 and 21 – 30 years for S.No-3 as on 31-08-2016. Unwinding of age will be material up to 05 years for Govt Servants according to Central Govt rules.
Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Bachelor Degree in Radiography or Radio Imaging Technology or Medical Imaging Technology for S.No-1, twelfth go with Science and Certificate Diploma in Radiography for S.No-2 and Degree in Optemetry for S.No-3 from a perceived University/Board.
Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account composed test and meeting.
Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 300/ - (non-refundable) crossed interest draft issued by any nationalized Bank attracted support of Pay and Accounts Officer, Dr RML Hospital payable at New Delhi. No charge for SC/ST competitors.
Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their application in recommended design with bore witness to photocopies of all testaments for age, instructive capability, experience and SC/ST, OBC authentication to the Medical Superintendent, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital, New Delhi – 110 001 at the very latest 31-08-2016.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 31-08-2016.
Read RML Official Notification.
About Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, in the past known as Willingdon Hospital, was built up by the British for their staff and had just 54 beds. After autonomy, its control was moved to New Delhi Municipal Committee.
In 1954, its control was again exchanged to the Central Government of Independent India.
The doctor's facility has become throughout the years and is as of now having around 1216 beds, spread over in 30 sections of land of area. It takes into account the number of inhabitants in New Delhi and Central District, aside from patients from different territories and even from outside Delhi. It is having 71 beds in a Nursing Home for the C.G.H.S recipients, including Maternity Nursing Home.
It is completely subsidized by the Government of India (Ministry of Health Family Welfare). No Emergency Patients are Refused treatment in this Hospital.
A non-intrusive Cardiac Lab and a Cardiac Cath Lab exists in this doctor's facility, in which office for TMT, Echo-Cardiography, Coronary Angiography and Pace Maker implantation are accessible. Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Neuro Surgery offices are accessible in the Hospital.
This healing center has round the check crisis administrations in Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics and Pediatrics. The offices in different strengths are likewise accessible available to come back to work premise. Every single steady administration like research facility, X - Ray, CT-Scan, Ultrasound, Blood Bank and Ambulances are accessible round the clock. A Coronary Care Unit and an Intensive Care Unit exists in the doctor's facility for genuine Cardiac and Non-Cardiac patients. The clinic has set down calamity activity arrangement and catastrophe beds, which are put forth operational in defense of mass losses and debacle.
In a year healing center gives administrations to around 18 lakhs patients as OPD cases, concedes around 67000 patients in Indoor and around 3 lakhs patients are gone to in the Emergency. Around 10000 yellow fever inoculation and 915 conveyance cases. Likewise around 5,000 CT Scan, 1.70 lakhs X-Ray cases, 28 lakhs lab tests and around 17,000 Ultrasound are finished. Doctor's facility conducts around 9,000 Major and 40,000 Minor operations amid a year.
At RML, DR.Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital - New Delhi, healing center has two Incinerators, one Micro Wave Machine and two Plastic Shredders for sound doctor's facility waste transfer framework.
RML hospital with the development and extension of therapeutic offices in the healing facility, the foundation of the doctor's facility organization has likewise expanded to 3164. With this development of foundation, the authoritative work has additionally expanded. The authorized quality of Central Health Services and Non CHS, Group A Group B Gazetted and Non Gazetted, Ministerial Staff, Nursing Staff, Paramedical Staff and Group D staff with pre-changed updated scales are given at Annexure.
Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital Vacancy Details:
Add up to No. of Posts: 04
Name of the Post:
1. Senior Radiographer: 01 Post
2. Radiographer: 01 Post
3. Optometrist: 02 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age breaking point ought to be not surpassing 30 years for S.No-1, 18 – 25 years for S.No-2 and 21 – 30 years for S.No-3 as on 31-08-2016. Unwinding of age will be material up to 05 years for Govt Servants according to Central Govt rules.
Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Bachelor Degree in Radiography or Radio Imaging Technology or Medical Imaging Technology for S.No-1, twelfth go with Science and Certificate Diploma in Radiography for S.No-2 and Degree in Optemetry for S.No-3 from a perceived University/Board.
Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account composed test and meeting.
Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 300/ - (non-refundable) crossed interest draft issued by any nationalized Bank attracted support of Pay and Accounts Officer, Dr RML Hospital payable at New Delhi. No charge for SC/ST competitors.
Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their application in recommended design with bore witness to photocopies of all testaments for age, instructive capability, experience and SC/ST, OBC authentication to the Medical Superintendent, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital, New Delhi – 110 001 at the very latest 31-08-2016.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 31-08-2016.
Read RML Official Notification.
About Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, in the past known as Willingdon Hospital, was built up by the British for their staff and had just 54 beds. After autonomy, its control was moved to New Delhi Municipal Committee.
In 1954, its control was again exchanged to the Central Government of Independent India.
The doctor's facility has become throughout the years and is as of now having around 1216 beds, spread over in 30 sections of land of area. It takes into account the number of inhabitants in New Delhi and Central District, aside from patients from different territories and even from outside Delhi. It is having 71 beds in a Nursing Home for the C.G.H.S recipients, including Maternity Nursing Home.
It is completely subsidized by the Government of India (Ministry of Health Family Welfare). No Emergency Patients are Refused treatment in this Hospital.
A non-intrusive Cardiac Lab and a Cardiac Cath Lab exists in this doctor's facility, in which office for TMT, Echo-Cardiography, Coronary Angiography and Pace Maker implantation are accessible. Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Neuro Surgery offices are accessible in the Hospital.
This healing center has round the check crisis administrations in Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics and Pediatrics. The offices in different strengths are likewise accessible available to come back to work premise. Every single steady administration like research facility, X - Ray, CT-Scan, Ultrasound, Blood Bank and Ambulances are accessible round the clock. A Coronary Care Unit and an Intensive Care Unit exists in the doctor's facility for genuine Cardiac and Non-Cardiac patients. The clinic has set down calamity activity arrangement and catastrophe beds, which are put forth operational in defense of mass losses and debacle.
In a year healing center gives administrations to around 18 lakhs patients as OPD cases, concedes around 67000 patients in Indoor and around 3 lakhs patients are gone to in the Emergency. Around 10000 yellow fever inoculation and 915 conveyance cases. Likewise around 5,000 CT Scan, 1.70 lakhs X-Ray cases, 28 lakhs lab tests and around 17,000 Ultrasound are finished. Doctor's facility conducts around 9,000 Major and 40,000 Minor operations amid a year.
At RML, DR.Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital - New Delhi, healing center has two Incinerators, one Micro Wave Machine and two Plastic Shredders for sound doctor's facility waste transfer framework.
RML hospital with the development and extension of therapeutic offices in the healing facility, the foundation of the doctor's facility organization has likewise expanded to 3164. With this development of foundation, the authoritative work has additionally expanded. The authorized quality of Central Health Services and Non CHS, Group A Group B Gazetted and Non Gazetted, Ministerial Staff, Nursing Staff, Paramedical Staff and Group D staff with pre-changed updated scales are given at Annexure.