Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) Jobs 2016 - Program Asst Posts. RGNIYD has given a notice for the enlistment of Program Assistant opportunities simply on transitory premise. Qualified competitors can stroll in on 24-08-2016 at 09:30 AM. Different subtle elements like age farthest point, instructive capability, determination procedure and how to apply are given beneath
- (RGNIYD) Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Vacancy Details:
- Add up to No of Posts: 01
- Name of the Posts: Program Assistant
- Age Limit: Candidate upper age point of confinement ought to be 28 years.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Graduation or 3 years Diploma in Mass Communication/Journalism/Electronic Media/Script composing/radio or TV generation.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen in view of meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible hopefuls can stroll in alongside filled in application structure with photocopies of all declarations on 24-08-2016 at 09:30 AM at Conference Hall, RGNIYD, Near Nemili Toll Gate on Chennai-Bengalore Highway, Sriperumbudur – 602105.
- Date and Time of Interview: 24-08-2016 at 09:30 AM.
- Official Notification Link: http://rgniyd.gov.in/node/1175
- Apply Link: http://rgniyd.gov.in/sites/default/files/pdfs/admin/rec/filled_application_form.docx
- About RGNIYD
- RGNIYD is an Institute of National Importance set up in 1993.
- The RGNIYD capacities as an essential asset focus with its multi-faceted elements of offering scholastic projects at Post Graduate level incorporating different measurements of youth advancement, taking part in original examination in the basic zones of youth improvement and planning Training Programs for state offices and the authorities of youth association, other than the Extension and Outreach activities the nation over.
- The Institute capacities as a research organization of the Ministry and head association of youth-related exercises in the nation. As the zenith foundation at the national level, it works in close collaboration with the NSS, NYKS and other youth associations in the execution of preparing projects. The Institute is a nodal office for preparing youth as a facilitator of youth advancement exercises in country, urban as additionally tribal ranges.
- The RGNIYD serves as an adolescent observatory and depositary in the nation in this manner leaving on youth reconnaissance on youth-related issues. It has a wide system with different associations working for the welfare and advancement of youngsters and serves as a tutor.
- RGNIYD Vision
- As the zenith national organization for youth advancement, the Institute endeavors to form into a universally perceived and acclaimed focal point of scholarly incredibleness in the field of youth improvement, completely receptive to the national plan for comprehensive development, and the necessities and desires of youngsters of the nation to understand their possibilities to make a fair society.
- RNGIYD Mission
- The Institute looks to understand its Vision by:
- Giving substantive inputs in the definition of youth-related arrangements and in creating imaginative project activities that react successfully to the necessities and worries of the youngsters of the nation;
- Creating proficient limit of all young advancement offices in the nation - state-supported or intentional associations - through preparing and concentrated administrations, for example, consultancies, and giving mastery and preparing materials to in-house preparing programs;
- Setting up a world-class and present day Resource Center that will give library and other related administrations and offices to those included in youth-related exercises - youth associations, instructive and preparing establishments, scientists, researchers, and youngsters
- Creating bona fide and far reaching essential and auxiliary information on all issues and matters that effect the life of the youngsters in the nation through an orderly and broad system of activity research and study;
- The Institute Works to Enhance International Co-operation on all Issues Related to Youth Development By:
- Building up beneficial and persevering association with global associations occupied with youth-related exercises; and with national youth advancement groups of different nations, particularly in the Asian district;
- Sorting out joint projects and activities that advantage youngsters over the globe;
- Attempting to manufacture accord on youth-related issues;
- Offering preparing, reliable with universal principles and educational programs, to members from different nations in youth advancement zones.
- Building up and supporting a national system of youth advancement offices and advancing co-operation and coordinated effort among them;
- Giving a discussion to youngsters of the nation and other included associations and people for discourse, counsel, and trade of perspectives on matters and issues affecting the life of the youngsters in the nation;
- Creating essential mastery and capability of the expert work force of the Institute to make them dynamic accomplices in building up it as the focal point of fabulousness in youth improvement.
- Destinations of RGNIYD.
- To advance as an Institute of cutting edge study in the field of youth improvement.
- To attempt activity and connected examination
- To engage youth to take part in comprehensive advancement and country building
- To give advanced education in the field of youth improvement
- To complete arrangement examination, assessment and effect investigation of youth projects
- The Mandate of RGNIYD Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development.
- To work as a Resource Agency and Think –Tank for youth projects, arrangements and usage techniques.
- To create multi-faceted – programs for youth keeping in perspective of the social congruity and national solidarity as a definitive target
- To develop and create as a facilitator and nodal office for youth preparing, youth work, and youth advancement in the nation for country, urban and in addition tribal youth.
- To work as an Institute of cutting edge study in the field of youth and to grow such expert brilliance as might be required for the reason.
- To build up its projects went for teaching a feeling of national pride, familiarity with national objectives and disguise of national qualities among the young specialists
- To grow new thoughts and inventive project for spurring and making a submitted framework of youth laborers and functionaries.
- To advance and lead activity and client based connected examination and assessment considers in youth improvement and through this give fundamental push to youth programs on precise and logical lines.
- To work as Center for Information Publication and Documentation relating to youth Development
- To give Institutional preparing to the faculty working in the field of youth
- To give fitting youth expansion ventures and administrations which can work as research facility on youth work.
- To connection its projects and capacities to the advancement of National Youth Policy.