RBI Recruitment Reserve Bank of India Vacancies Opportunities 2016 - RBI Grade B Opportunities and Security Guard Post - Reserve Bank of India RBI will recruit for DSIM Officer, DEPR Officer posts of Grade B cadre and Security Guard Posts.
- RBI Grade B Post DSIM Recruitment Details: https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=3240
- RBI Grade B Post DEPR Recruitment Details: https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=3241
- The composed examination will be led on 27 August and 28 August 2016 for both the offices. Paper-I will begin from 2.30pm to 5.30pm on 27 August 2016 and Paper-II will begin from 9.30 am to 12.30pm and Paper –III from 2.30pm to 5.30 pm on 28 August 2016. Competitors are named from different urban areas for composed examination.
- The applicants who connected for the post can investigate the official site to check their candidature and the season of their exam.
- RBI Security Guards Vacancy Details:https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=3237
- Reserve Bank of India RBI enrollment 2016 - Security Guard posts. RBI welcomes application for the position of 16 security Guard opening. Apply online before 31st August 2016.
- Reserve Bank of India RBI Recruitment 2016
- Name of post:- security Guard
- RBI official website:
- Qualification:- tenth class
- Work Location:- All India
- Pay Scale:- Rs 10940 – 23700/ - Per Hour
- Last Date:- 31st August 2016
- Add up to No. of Posts:- 16 Posts
- Age Limit:- The age of the hopeful is 25 years. The age of the candidate ought to be as on first August 2016.
- Capability:- Candidates ought to have passed tenth class standard examination board/registration class standard examination board.
- Determination Procedure:- The choice of the applicants will be on the premise of composed examination and individual meeting relying upon the quantity of utilizations got.
- Step by step instructions to apply:- Candidates may apply in endorsed application structure alongside validated duplicates of important reports and most recent visa size photo send to the Regional executive, Reserve bank of India, Human asset administration division, 15, Netaji Subhash street, Kolkata:- 700001 at the latest 31st August 2016.
- Vital Dates:-
- Last date for the accommodation of online application is 31st August 2016.
- General Instruction:-
- At first as OSD up to one year and there-after as the CEO for a time of 2 years.
- Renewable by shared assention for a further period.
- Remuneration will coordinate the levels in the power and won't a requirement for the right candidate.
- Just Indian national are qualified for this position.
- CEO:-
- The IT backup would be going by its (CEO) who will lead of profoundly energetic expert in IT related including digital security.
- Amid the underlying time frame, the CEO anticipated that would take an interest during the time spent setting up of the IT backup and would be assigned as officer on unique obligation (OSD) to the underlying spot among others, the CEO/OSD will be in charge of putting a suitable structure for the organization and building that fills the prerequisite of the new organization.
- RBI Recruitment Notification: https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Content/PDFs/SECURITY090816323BA25FF8D740D0BE07D03DB488E92E.PDF
- About RBI Reserve Bank of India
- RBI's Core Purpose, Values and Vision
- Center Purpose
- To cultivate money related and monetary dependability helpful for maintainable monetary development and to guarantee the advancement of a proficient and comprehensive budgetary framework.
- The Core Purpose mirrors the Reserve Bank's dedication to the Nation:
- To cultivate trust in the inside and outside estimation of the rupee, and add to large scale financial dependability;
- To direct markets and foundations under its ambit to guarantee money related framework dependability and purchaser security;
- To advance the honesty, productivity, comprehensiveness and aggressiveness of the monetary and installments framework;
- To guarantee productive administration of cash and saving money administrations to the Government and banks; and
- To bolster the adjusted, impartial and supportable financial advancement of the nation.
- RBI Values
- The Reserve Bank of India submits itself to the accompanying shared qualities that aide authoritative choices and worker activities in quest for the Bank's center reason:
- Open interest
- The Reserve Bank of India, in its activities and approaches, looks to advance the general population premium and the benefit of everyone.
- Uprightness and Independence of Views
- The Reserve Bank of India looks to keep up the most elevated principles of respectability and autonomy of perspectives through openness, trust and responsibility.
- Responsiveness and Innovation
- The Reserve Bank of India looks to be a dynamic association receptive to open needs and supports development and a soul of enquiry.
- Assorted qualities and Inclusiveness
- The Reserve Bank of India esteems and backings differing qualities and comprehensiveness.
- Contemplation and Pursuit of Excellence
- The Reserve Bank of India is focused on self-examination, reflection and expert magnificence.
- RBI Vision
- The Reserve Bank of India is resolved to seek after the general population premium and normal great as a main national bank that is perceived for its sound, straightforward and proactive strategies.