Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited (PHHL) Recruitment 2016 – Apply Online for Helicopter and Trainee Pilot Posts. Pawan Hans Limited (PHHL) has declared a notice for the enlistment of Experienced Helicopter Pilot, Helicopter (Offshore/AS4) Pilot and Fresh/Trainee Pilots for different levels opportunities on contract premise. Qualified hopefuls may apply on the web. Different subtle elements like age cutoff, instructive capability, choice procedure and how to apply are given beneath.
- Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited (PHHL) Helicopter and Trainee Pilot Posts Vacancy Details.
- Name of the Posts:
- 1. Experienced Helicopter Pilot (Contract Basis)
- 2. Helicopter (Offshore/AS4) Pilot (Contract Basis)
- 3. New/Trainee Pilot (Contract Basis)
- Pawan Hans Helicopter Limited Official Website Link: PHHL Official Website.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Helicopter Pilots holding support on AS350B3, Bell-412/407/206L4, Dauphin N/N3, Mi-172 and ALH Dhruv helicopters with important flying knowledge for S.No-1, Helicopter Pilots having background AS-4/Offshore qualified and holding underwriting on Dauphin N/N3 or on Bell-412 helicopters for S.No-2, Fresh/Trainee Pilots having CHPL for S.No-3.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 250/ - as Demand Draft payable at Delhi/Noida for Pawan Hans Ltd. SC and ST competitors and Persons with Disabilities are exempted from installment of utilization expense.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may apply online through the official Pawan Hans Helicopter Limited site and send appropriately filled in application structure joining a late travel permit size photo went with duplicates of self authenticated testimonials in backing of age, station/class, capability, experience, permit and so on and Demand Draft and in an envelope ought to be superscribed as "the post connected for" scope to HOD (HR and Admin) Pawan Hans Limited, A Government of India Enterprise, Corporate Office, C-14, Sector-1, Noida – 201 301, UP.
- Guidelines to Apply Online:
- 1. Competitors ought to sign on the site PHHL.
- 2. Go to "Professions" and Click on "Current Openings".
- 3. Select the Desired Post and Click on "Apply Online".
- 4. Perused the guidelines mind completely and Click on "Continue".
- 6. Fill the points of interest precisely and Submit the structure.
- 7. Remove a print from online application for future use.
- Pawan Hans Apply Link: https://www.pawanhans.co.in/Site/CareerDetailsN.aspx?id=92
- Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited PHHL Recruitment 2016 – Helicopter Pilot Posts: Pawan Hans Limited has declared a notice for the enrollment of Helicopter Pilot for AS350B3 Helicopter opportunities on transient contract premise. Qualified applicants may apply online/disconnected. Different subtle elements like instructive capability, choice procedure and how to apply are given underneath:
- Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited Vacancy Details:
- Name of the Posts: Helicopter Pilot
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Captain (PIC) on AS 350 B3 helicopter or Cleared for Single pilot operations Having leeway and coin for slope operations (for Amarnathji operations) with important experience.
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen in light of meeting.
- Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay 250/ - as Demand Draft drawn at Delhi/Noida for Pawan Hans Ltd. SC and ST applicants are exempted from installment of utilization expense.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible applicants may apply online through the site PHHL Site or apply (Off-line) in endorsed group as given in the warning and go to the meeting alongside filled in Application Form joining a late travel permit size hued photo went with duplicates of self validated testimonials in backing of age, rank/class, capability, experience and License and so forth and a Demand Draft.
- Pawn Hans Helicopters Limited Official Website: www.pawanhans.co.in
- Apply Link: https://www.pawanhans.co.in/Site/CareerDetailsN.aspx?id=92