Oil India Limited Career Recruitment 2016 – OIL India Limited will recruit Medical Specialist and Radiologist Posts. Qualified applicants may apply in the endorsed application group prior to 25-08-2016.
- Oil India Limited Vacancy Details: http://www.oil-india.com/COpenings.aspx
- Add up to No. of Vacancies: 02
- Name of the Vacancies:
- 1. Therapeutic Specialist (Physician): 01 Vacancy
- 2. Radiologist: 01 Vacancy
- Age Limit: Candidates age utmost ought to be 37 years for UR. Age unwinding is appropriate according to rules.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have MD/DNB (Medicine) for Post 01, MD (Radio Diagnosis) for Post 02 from a rumored therapeutic school/college perceived by Medical Council of India
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account Written Test, Group Discussion,Viva Voce and Pre Employment Medical Examination (PEME).
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their application in endorsed position with a late shaded travel permit size photo, self bore witness to duplicates of testaments and imprint sheets in backing of Qualification, Age, Religion and Caste, Experience, and so forth properly checked/highlighted in an envelope ought to be super scribed with "Post Code Applied for" in Capital Letters on the top corner to the Dy General Manager (work force), RCE's Office Building, Oil India Limited, Duliajan – 786 602 (Assam) at the very latest 25-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Application: 25-08-2016.
- About Oil India Limited
- The quest for hydrocarbons is on and innovation has dependably been at the center of OIL's exercises. Prompting of Information and Communication Technology as an empowering influence to the center elements of OIL has been a main impetus.
- OIL's IT activities through different programming arrangements, best in class servers, optical fiber, satellite up-connecting, terminals, stages program engineers, computerized information, organizing, work process – has been empowering OIL to cruise along the data superhighway...empowering representatives and administration to take techno-financial choices so key in today's time of relentless rivalries. OIL's IT Department is in charge of giving a legitimate work process where individuals have entry to most recent innovation, which guarantees precise, auspicious and reliable transmission of information.
- IT Vision of Oil India
- To change OIL into an I² venture
- Learning administration through Information administration
- IT Mission of OIL India
- To accomplish an abnormal state of computerisation in the specialized and business forms in all circles of OIL's exercises, building up a broad Information framework, making neighborhood/wide zone availability over the association to give system and information correspondence offices, utilization of development and presentation of new innovation by judicious IT asset arranging in the best way, nonstop updation of learning so that the advantages of innovation achieve all levels of administration and also learning laborers in OIL.
- Get ready OIL to execute IT-based online frameworks requires a multi-dimensional methodology consolidating client preparing, change administration, inspiration, and so on. The logic of IT activities is to include the above with the handy experience of IT-empowered procedures for the clients to understand the capability of IT applications in all zones. In accordance with this, IT Department invest additional push to create and actualize in-house applications in basic ranges like Finance, materials, HR, generation, boring, geoscience, and so on in the course of recent years in an arranged way.
- Effective execution of ERP has oiled towards
- an) enhanced proficiency, viability in all business forms,
- b) presentation of a cost administration framework at standard with the best,
- c) constant change in efficiency to pick up section into the group of the best achievers on the planet and
- d) presentation of the best administration practices of the business.
- E&P: Exploration and Databank Project execution is on. E&P Databank depends on a POSC Epicenter Data Model that Will Act as a Receptacle for All E&P related information. Once actualized, this server farm will have the capacity to a) Store over 100 Years of Invaluable E&P Related Data Possessed by OIL accessible in different arrangements into a typical industry-standard configuration, b)Provide a Robust Central Repository of Data for the Geo-Technical Community, c) Convert Data Assets of OIL into Capital, as the Data could be Used Productively to Create Value for OIL
- OIL India IT Business Continuity arrangement
- To shield the indispensable organization information from calamities like quake, flame, surge and so on., associations must develop repetitive information archives, ideally at topographically inaccessible areas. As a piece of IT business progression arrangement, catastrophe recuperation focus was set up in the Noida, UP. Ceaseless information replication of the majority of its business information happens between the essential site at Duliajan, Assam and Noida, UP. Physical access to information archives are being controlled by method for successful innovations like utilization of biometrics, CCTV observing and so forth.