NIRRH Recruitment 2016 - National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health - Project Technician posts. Indian Council of Medical Research, NIRRH, Mumbai has given a work notice for the enrollment of Project Technician, Technical Assistant opportunities. Qualified applicants can stroll in on 23-08-2016 between 09:00 hrs and 11:00 hrs.
- NIRRH Project Technician Vacancy Details: http://www.nirrh.res.in/links/Dr.%20V.%20Dighe%20prjt%20asst.pdf
- Add up to No of Posts: 01
- Name of the Post: Project Technician-II
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought not surpass 28 years. Age unwinding for SC/ST/OBC/PWD hopefuls will be appropriate according to the administration rules.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Technician An or identical with five year significant experience eg tenth/Matric/High School/proportional with one year required experience from Government/perceived Institute or with testament of one year preparing in the applicable territory.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors can stroll in alongside application in endorsed position, all the significant records in unique and one arrangement of bore witness to photocopies and one travel permit size late shading photo on 23-08-2016 between 09:00 hrs and 11:00 hrs.
- Date and Time of Interview: 23-08-2016 between 09:00 hrs and 11:00 hrs.
- NIRRH Recruitment 2016 - Technical Asst Posts. NIRRH has reported a notice for the enrollment of Technical Assistant opportunities for the undertaking entitled "PSP94 Interactome Identification and Characterization of Its Novel Binding Proteins from Human Seminal Plasma and Sperm". Qualified competitors can stroll in meeting on 22-08-2016 from 09:00 hrs to 11:00 hrs.
- NIRRH Technical Asst Posts Vacancy Details: http://www.nirrh.res.in/links/Tech%20Assist%20Dr.%20S.D.%20Mahale%20(2).pdf
- Add up to No of Posts: 01
- Name of the post: Technical Assistant
- Age limit: Candidates age ought not surpass 28 years. Age unwinding for SC/ST/OBC/PWD applicants is relevant according to government rules.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Graduation Science from a perceived Institution/college with 01 year involvement in related field.
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible applicants can go to for meeting alongside every important report in unique and one arrangement of validated photocopies of the same and one visa size late shading photo on 22-08-2016 from 09:00 hrs to 11:00 hrs.
- Date and Time of Interview: 22-08-2016 from 09:00 hrs to 11:00 hrs.
- Throughout the years, NIIRH has made noteworthy steps to create more up to date contraceptives, both for the male and the female; produce data on the wellbeing, viability and adequacy of accessible contraceptives in Indian populace; and illustrate essential systems hidden regenerative physiology. The Institute has likewise attempted various studies on the social and behavioral parts of ripeness control with a plan to increment educated decisions for ladies and to empower expanded male investment in regenerative wellbeing matters. Conceptive tract diseases (RTIs) including sexually transmitted contaminations (STIs) among ladies has likewise been the center of exploration. The Institute has included new research regions and present day mechanical advancements to its plenty of effectively existing ability, prompting a few noteworthy examination commitments including the introduction of India 's first logically archived unnaturally conceived child.
- Resurgence of NIIRH with another name and reestablished research interests
- To make this significant movement unmistakable and reflected for the sake of the establishment, its name was changed from NIIRH. The new name additionally mirrors the national status concurred to the Institute in acknowledgment of its investigative commitments. The Institute has additionally extended its exploration command to mirror the start of multidisciplinary and far reaching research boulevards on all parts of regenerative wellbeing as could be seen underneath.
- NIRRH is a chief examination establishment of ICMR. It is arranged in the region of various healing centers and research foundations in focal Mumbai. Since its beginning in 1970, it has been endeavoring enthusiastic endeavors to enhance the conceptive soundness of individuals through examination, instruction and social insurance administrations. The Institute is associated to the University of Mumbai which recompenses degrees to the M.Sc. what's more, Ph.D understudies in the ranges of Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Applied Biology. The Institute is one of only a handful few focuses in India , which can brag of a group of essential, clinical and operational exploration researchers and condition of-workmanship labs outfitted with present day offices to do scrutinize on different segments of regenerative wellbeing. Research programs have additionally been started in new developing territories, for example, undifferentiated cell science, toxicology and transgenesis. The Institute is a WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Reproductive Health. Coordinated efforts are attempted with national and worldwide associations in a worldwide push to advance exploration and spread of data on regenerative wellbeing matters .