NDMA Recruitment 2016 - Advisor, Consultant and Social Management Specialist Posts. Apply before 15-09-2016 for National Disaster Management Authority Vacancies.
- NDMA Recruitment - Advisor Vacancy Details: www.ndma.gov.in/en/careers.html
- Competitors will be required to send applications alongside bore witness to duplicates of all reports and testimonials in supporting of utilization. Send applications prior to 30-08-2016 .
- NDMA Recruitment - Consultant Vacancy Details: http://ndma.gov.in/images/careers/TOR-12-posts.pdf
- Applications according to proforma are welcomed from reasonable contender for the enlistment of Consultant (12 posts) in the endorsed group by NMDA. Hopefuls having imperative Qualifications may send their applications alongside all archives by 15-09-2016 . (inside 30 days from the date of production).
- Separate application ought to be connected for every post.
- NDMA Recruitment - Social Management Specialist Vacancy Details: http://ndma.gov.in/images/careers/Adversiment-for-Social-in-NCRMP.pdf
- Qualified applicants may apply to the posts at the latest 15-09-2016 . Application structure, appropriately marked alongside self authenticated duplicates of instructive capability, experience and testimonials must achieve the given location inside stipulated time.
- About NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
- NDMA Vision:
- To construct a more secure and debacle flexible India by an all encompassing, ace dynamic, innovation driven and practical improvement methodology that includes all partners and encourages a society of counteractive action, readiness and alleviation.
- NDMA Mission:
- Setting up of NDMA and the making of an empowering domain for institutional components at the State and District levels.
- India imagines the advancement of an ethos of Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness. The Indian government endeavors to elevate a national resolve to relieve the harm and demolition brought about by normal and man-made fiascos, through supported and aggregate endeavors.
- The NDMA Logo mirrors the desires of this National Vision, of enabling all partners to enhance the viability of Disaster Management in India. The external circle of NMDA logo is a Golden Ring of Partnership of all Stakeholders, whose hand holding is a statement of their solidarity to supplement the endeavors. NDMA will catalyze this Community Empowerment through institutional limit improvement, fortified open mindfulness and group strength by mainstreaming calamity administration in India.