NCSCM Recruitment 2016 Project Staff 18 Posts Application Form Online Applications from qualified contender for topping off the undertaking based 18 positions of Project Staff in National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM).
- Read full NCSCM Recruitment details here: http://www.ncscm.res.in/cms/careers/careers.php
- Intrigued applicants with required qualification may apply online application at the very latest 28-08-2016.
- Before filling online candidates must read notice painstakingly and make guarantee about meeting qualification criteria and must have substantial E-mail ID and portable number.
- All hopefuls are encouraged to allude official notice.
- Essential Dates :
- The application structure will be submitted at the very latest : 28-08-2016 .
- Meeting Date:30-08-2016.
- Choice Procedure :
- Hopefuls will be chosen for concerned posts in view of execution in Test/Interview.
- Structure of Fee :
- Nil.
- The most effective method to Apply :
- Hopefuls who satisfy the qualification criteria, may apply online application at the very latest 28-08-2016.
- Berfore applying online applications,applicants must read the directions and strategies carefully,Candidates must fill all required detail deliberately in recommended online application structure.
- After accommodation of online application, competitors remove print from the application and keep for future utilize as it were.
- No compelling reason to send any printed version at this stage.
- Address :
- National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management, Koodal Building, Anna University Campus, Chennai - 600025.
- NCSCM Recruitment Link: http://www.ncscm.res.in/cms/careers/careers.php