NCAOR Recruitment 2016 - National Center for Antarctic and Ocean Research welcomes application for enrollment of JRF and Shipboard Assistant. The stroll in-meeting will be hung on 31 Aug 2016.
- NCAOR Shipboard Assistant and JRF Enrollment Details: http://www.ncaor.gov.in/upload/recruitments/Advt%20NCAOR_48_16.PDF
- Work Location: Goa
- Post: Junior Research Fellow
- Vacancy: 01
- Salary: Rs.25,000/ -
- Post: Shipboard Assistant
- Vacancy: 01
- Mission and Vision of National Center for Antarctic and Ocean Research
- Vision of NCAOR is to take up and execute such investigative projects in the Polar and Southern Ocean districts that will guarantee a lead
- part for India amongst the countries required in polar and oceanographic research.
- Mission of NCAOR is to arrange, advance, co-ordinate and execute the whole array of polar science and logistic exercises of the nation all together
- Guarantee a noticeable and persuasive nearness of India in Antarctica, Arctic and to maintain our key advantages in the
- worldwide system of countries in the Southern Continent and the encompassing sea.
- Objectives of NCAOR
- Enhance our comprehension of Polar Science and its suggestions for environmental change
- Conduct review for evaluating non-living assets and also to embrace logical exploration in the sea domain.
- NCAOR attempt, help, advance, aide and does recruitment for logical exploration in the fields of polar science and Southern Ocean Oceanography.
- Serve as a nodal office in charge of the general coordination and usage of the Indian Antarctic, Arctic and Southern Sea Programs.
- Build up and keep up examination bases in Polar domains and give all operational and logistic backing.
- Devise, define Hire and start programs, which will make information base for future business and topical interests of India.
- keep the Indian Polar Program side by side with worldwide advancements and to guarantee a distinguishable nearness of India in the worldwide structure of countries in the Polar districts.
- Recruit Amplify a solitary examination research center setup with such offices which are of specific nature or generally not effortlessly open.
- Arrange, address and screen every single natural issue in Antarctica emerging out of the Environmental Protocol.
- Build up a complete database stock and store for Antarctic and Arctic Science and logistics counting a polar gallery and a library.
- Conduct overviews for evaluating the marine dead assets and even to start exploratory examination exercises in the marine space.