Intrigued contender to chip away at contract premise as Specialist 3 posts in MRDPRD ought to send their applications in endorsed group alongside archives to the given location before the last date of 23-08-2016 .
- The MRDPRD maintains all authority to dismiss any or every one of the applications or wipe out the whole determination process without relegating any reason thereof.
- Dates to Remember :
- Time Of Submission of finished Application structure is : 23-08-2016 .
- Method of Recruitment :
- Shortlisted hopefuls will need to show up for Interview. The appropriately constituted Screening Committee of Manipur Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department will receive its own particular criteria for short-posting the hopefuls. (NM)
- Charge Structure :
- Nil.
- Technique to Apply :
- Intrigued hopefuls may apply in endorsed application structure alongside records to given location most recent by 23-08-2016 . Manipur Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department is not in charge of any postal or messenger misfortune or postponement in receipt of uses.
- The envelope containing the application ought to be super-scribed with " 'Application for the post of__' Specialist
- Send Applications to :
- shyama prasad mukherjee National Urban mission under Rural Developement and Panchayati Raj Department govt of Manipur.