MPPEB has issued a most recent (sarkari naukari) opening notice and welcomed applications from the qualified contender for making the enlistment of 244 Rural Horticulture Extension Officer (Group II Sub Cader I) posts. Qualified competitors the individuals who are having all the essential capabilities for these posts can apply online from 27-07-2016 to 26-08-2016. More insights viewing these posts, for example, instructive capabilities, age limit, choice strategy, application charge, how to apply and so on for MPPEB Recruitment 2016 are said beneath.
- Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board Recruitment 2016 - Apply Online for 244 Rural Horticulture Extension Officer Posts.
- Opportunity Details of MPPEB Recruitment 2016:
- Add up to No. of Posts: 244 posts
- Name of the Post: Rural Horticulture Extension Officer (Group II Sub Cader I)
- 1. UR: 144 posts
- 2. SC: 01 post
- 3. ST: 44 posts
- 4. OBC: 55 posts
- Instructive Qualification:
- Competitors the individuals who are applying for these posts ought to have a Degree in Agriculture/Agriculture Engineering/Horticulture.
- Age Limit:
- Hopefuls the individuals who need to apply for these posts their age ought to be in the middle of 18 years to 40 years. However the upper age limit unwinding will be given according to the Govt. rules.
- Application Fee:
- Competitors are required to pay the application charge of Rs. 500/ - for general and Rs. 250/ - for SC/ST/OBC/PWD hopefuls of MP State with postal Charges 70/ - through online by utilizing Net Banking/Credit card/Debit Card.
- Determination Procedure:
- Competitors' choice will be made on the premise of their execution in composed exam.
- Vital Dates:
- Beginning date of Online Application: 27-07-2016
- Last date of Online Application: 26-08-2016
- Date of Examination: 0 1-10-2016
- Step by step instructions to Apply:
- All qualified and intrigued competitors the individuals who have all the imperative capabilities/conditions can apply online through the official site www.mponline.gov.in from 27-07-2016 to 26-08-2016.
- MPPEB Official Details: http://www.vyapam.nic.in/e_default.htm