MANUU Recruitment 2016 - 01 Finance Officer Post Maulana Azad National Urdu University is giving a probability to instructed one (01) possibility for the rank of Finance Officer under MANUU occupations. We are giving all data in last like application organization and authority ad please download it before apply.
- MANUU Recruitment 2016- Vacacy Details: http://www.manuu.ac.in/employment/Notification%2038%20_2016_.pdf
- Post: Finance Officer
- Fee: Rs. 500/-
- Date: 02-09-2016
- About Maulana Azad National Urdu University
- Mission and Vision of MANUU Maulana Azad National Urdu University
- MANUU has a MA (JMC) Program that trains Urdu-talking understudies for professions in the regularly extending field of Media. The fundamental target of the Department is to deliver experts who are very much prepared and all around furnished to adapt up to rising difficulties in the field of Electronic and Print Media and exploration. In such manner the division is striving to accomplish elevated requirements in media educating and look into.
- The School of Mass Communication and Journalism is arranged in advanced media environment at the recently built Instructional Media Center building. To upgrade the functional preparing of the understudies of Mass Communication and Journalism, the base of Instructional Media Center is likewise being utilized to give the important offices.
- The course is intended to guarantee that understudies procure competency in Media abilities and also an exhaustive comprehension of correspondence procedures in the Indian social setting.
- Ability preparing is supplemented by thorough perusing and investigation of contemporary issues in media. Understudies are required to take an interest in field exercises like correspondences and society.
- Other than normal educating, Guest resources from the media associations and field specialists were locked in to give hands on preparing to understudies. What's more, a media workshop is being composed in every semester where Media Professionals are welcomed.
- As a major aspect of the syllabus, neighborhood field visits/instructive visit were composed each year where understudies were taken to visit presumed media places of electronic media and print media at Hyderabad to see the working of the Studio/Media workplaces and connect with renowned identities of the Media houses and their staff
- After finish of the second Semester, every understudy will need to experience four weeks of entry level position in rumored Media associations.