MAFSU Recruitment 2016 – Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University - Walk in for JRF Posts: Nagpur Veterinary College, MAFSU has issued a notice for the enlistment of Junior Research Fellow opening for the task "Outreach Program on Zoonotic Diseases" on brief premise.
- MAFSU Vacancy Details: http://www.mafsu.in/Advt/NVC%20VPH%20Advertisement%20JRF.pdf
- All out No.of Posts: 01
- Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Public Health Veterinary Parasitology/Microbiology/Veterinary Pathology/Animal Biotechnology.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may go to for stroll in meeting at board of trustees corridor of Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur on 03-09-2016 at 11.00 hrs.
- Vital Dates:
- Date and Time of Interview: 03-09-2016 at 11.00 hrs.
- Venue: Committee corridor of Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur.
- MAFSU Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for Senior Research Fellow Posts:MAFSU has reported a warning for the enrollment of Senior Research Fellow opening for the undertaking entitled "Place for Zoonoses" on simply brief and adhoc premise.
- MAFSU Vacancy Details: http://www.mafsu.in/Advt/NVC%20VPH%20Advertisement%20JRF.pdf
- add up to No of Posts: 01
- Name of the Posts: Senior Research Fellow
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Microbiology/Veterinary Public Health/Veterinary Pathology/Animal Biotechnology or M.Sc in Microbiology/biotechnology with NET capability.
- Determination Process: Candidates will chose taking into account meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors can go to for meeting alongside their application on plain paper with unique testaments/testimonials and one arrangement of xerox duplicate of the records on 03-09-2016 at 11:00 hrs.
- Imperative Dates:
- Date and Time of Interview: 03-09-2016 at 11:00 hrs.
- Venue: Committee corridor of Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, Seminary Hills, Nagpur(MS).
- About MAFSU Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University
- Along these lines starting with the five Veterinary Colleges, one Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and one Dairy Technology College at various topographical areas of the state in December 2000, University gained a praiseworthy ground in creating Fishery Faculty and fortifying Dairy Technology Faculty by building up two new Fishery College at Nagpur and Udgir and one Dairy Technology College at Udgir. Other than ten schools in three resources, Director of Instructions, Director of Research and Director of Extension and Training, the University has an all around created Students Welfare Section, University Library, Bio-informatics Center and preparing and position focuses. With the new ideas of exploration and augmentation obligation, the University arrangements to start and organize research ventures with alternate Universities, organizations of ICAR.
- Every school has some exceedingly specific and very much created offices which incorporate India's first Veterinary Nuclear Medicine Center (VNMC) at Mumbai, Embryo Transfer Technology Laboratory and Mineral and Hormonal Assay Laboratory at Akola, Swine Fever Surveillance Center at Nagpur and so forth. The University draws its major money related backing from the State Government's Annual Grants for meeting its costs on compensations and repeating and non-repeating costs identifying with the arrangement and non-plan subjects. Moreover, University additionally gets a noteworthy budgetary backing from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research as advancement awards being a State Agriculture University (SAU). The examination activities are bolstered.