LDLC Recruitment 2016 - Asst Manager, Accounts Clerk, Consultant and Other Vacancy Notification of Lakshadweep Development Corporation Limited.
- LDLC has issued a most recent (sarkari naukari) opportunity notice and welcomed applications from the qualified contender for making the enrollment of Assistant Manager, Consultant, Manager, Accounts Clerk, Data Entry Operator vacancies on contract premise. Qualified competitors the individuals who are having all the essential capabilities for these vacancies can apply in endorsed design prior to 29-08-2016.
- Opening Details of Lakshadweep Development Corporation Ltd Jobs 2016: http://www.ldcl.gov.in/
- Add up to No. of vacancies: 10 vacancies
- Name of the vacancies:
- 1. Right hand Manager (Repairs-Shipping): 01 post
- 2. Colleague Manager (Ship Repairs-Technical): 01 post
- 3. Colleague Manager (Finance): 01 post
- 4. Specialist (Materials): 02 vacancies
- 5. Director (Coconut Processing): 01 post
- 6. Advisor (Fisheries): 01 post
- 7. Accounts Clerk: 01 post
- 8. Information Entry Operator: 02 vacancies
- Instructive Qualification:
- Applicants the individuals who are applying for vacancies no. 1 and 2 ought to have B.Tech./B.E. in Marine Engineering/Naval Architecture/Mechanical Engineering, for post no. 3 ought to have ICWA/MBA (Finance), for post no. 4 ought to have B.Tech. (Mechanical)/MBA (Materials Management), for post no. 5 ought to have B.Sc. Degree/Diploma in Agricultural Science, for post no. 6 ought to have Master's Degree in Industrial Fisheries, for post no. 7 ought to have B.Com and for post no. 8 ought to have passed 10+2 with Diploma in Computer Application.
- Age Limit:
- Competitors the individuals who need to apply for vacancies no. 1 to 4 their age ought to be 45 years, for vacancies no. 5 and 6 ought to be 50 years and for vacancies no. 7 and 8 ought to be 35 years. However the upper age limit unwinding will be given by 5 years to SC/ST/OBC competitors.
- Imperative Dates:
- Last date of Application: 29-08-2016
- LDLC Recruitment Lakshadweep Development Corporation
- LDLC is an omnibus Corporation for Lakshadweep set up as a completely claimed Government Company enrolled. LDLC has risen as the biggest traveler vessel administration organization and right now oversees and works 30 vessels, possessed by the Union Territory of Lakshadweep (UTL), comprising of Passenger Vessels, High Speed Crafts, Cargo Barges, Oil Barges, Oil Tugs. The Corporation is likewise delivering esteem included items from fish and coconut assets plentifully accessible in the islands through its Canning Factory.
- About LDLC Lakshadweep Development Corporation
- 1. Review, prospect and catch, create, make, monitor, society, and falsely breed, protect, process, and change over arrangement in wholesale and/or retail; and purchase, offer, market, import and fare all assortments of fish, shellfish, squids, steers fish, octopus, marine items like clams, pearls and ocean weed, and corals and jellyfish which are accessible from the ocean and different waters.
- 2. Obtain market, offer, process, safeguard, create, bargain in import and fare of farming produce, embrace common supplies operations, modern crude materials and completed mechanical items.
- 3. To bear on the matter of operation of boats both traveler and payload furthermore gain ships for operation and go about as specialists for working and support of both traveler and freight vessel of Lakshadweep Administration and other Government and Private bodies.