KAU Recruitment 2016 - Research Assistant, Research Fellow and Farm Manager Posts: Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) has issued a notice for the enrollment of Research Assistant, Research Fellow and Farm Manager opening on contract premise. Qualified competitors may go to for stroll in meeting on 18-08-2016 at 09.00 AM.
- KAU Research Fellow and Farm Manager Vacancy Details: http://www.kau.in/announcement/farm-officer-1
- Complete No.of Vacancies: 04
- Name of the Vacancy:
- 1. Research Assistant: 01 Vacancies
- 2. Research Fellow: 02 Vacancies
- 3. Ranch Manager: 01 Vacancies
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen in light of test/meeting.
- KAU Recruitment 2016 – SRF, Project Fellow and Other Posts. KAU has reported a warning for the enlistment of Senior Research Fellow, Project Fellow, Research Fellow and Skilled Assistant opportunities on contract premise. Qualified hopefuls may apply in the recommended application group at the latest 12-08-2017.
- KAU SRF, Project Fellow Vacancy Details: http://www.kau.in/announcement/walk-interview-post-research-assistant
- Name of the Posts:
- 1. Senior Research Fellow
- 2. Venture Fellow
- 3. Research Fellow
- 4. Talented Assistant
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought to between 18-35 years.
- Last Date for Receipt of Application: 12-08-2017.
- KAU Recruitment 2016 – Research Asst Posts. ICAR KAU Palakkad has reported a warning for the enlistment of Research Assistant opportunities on absolutely impermanent and contract premise. Qualified hopefuls can go to for stroll in meeting on 19-08-2016 at 09:00 AM.
- KAU Research Asst Posts Vacancy Details: http://www.kau.in/announcement/walk-interview-post-research-assistant
- Name of the Post: Research Assistant
- Age limit: Candidates age ought not be above 36 years as on 01-08-2016. Age unwinding is appropriate to qualified applicants according to existing Government Rules.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.Sc Zoology.
- Choice Process: Shortlisted applicants will be called for meeting.
- About KAU Kerala Agriculture University
- KAU Vision
- World Class University with supportability and group engagement
- KAU Goal
- The college will turn into a pioneer in:
- Creating norms of evaluation for understudy execution.
- Brilliant innovative work programs.
- Social commitments.
- Earning the trust of society and the corporate world.
- Ideal speculation of college assets and capacities.
- The adoption of the government to this young university and the continuous support was of great effect on changing KAU to a modern university with a number of students that now amounts students. The university also occupies a distinguished place among higher education institutions in the Kingdom.
- KAU includes two separate campuses according to Islamic regulations one for males and another for females. Each of these campuses is provided with all cultural, recreational and athletic facilities, in addition to a big library equipped the most up to date technology to serve students and the teaching staff. Within four decades, the university becomes one of the outstanding higher education institutions on the local and international level. This university offers educational programs for preparing the graduates to do jobs that cope with the changing needs of the community.
- After being established , the university included branches became independent.
- KAU witnessed much development in quality and quantity since it was established until it becomes one of the distinguished universities in terms of the number of students.
- KAU is Considered a pioneer in offering higher education to the Saudi girl and the female and male sections were inaugurated in the same year.
- The University not only has the regular students program but it also has the external program to make it easy for all students to get higher education. It also established the Deanship of Distant Teaching to cope with the development in learning and teaching technology.