IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2016 - Project Asst, Jr. Research Fellow, Software Engineer, Sr.Research Fellow, Research Associate. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - Apply for handsome salaries.
- IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2016 – Software Engineer Posts. IIT Kharagpur has given a notice for the enrollment of Software Engineer opening. Qualified hopefuls may apply at the latest 31-08-2016.
- IIT Kharagpur Software Engineer Vacancy Details: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/topfiles/sric_job_details.php?serial=3306
- Absolute No.of Posts: 05
- 1. Programming Engineer: 04 Vacancies
- 2. Programming Engineer (Accounts): 01 Vacancy
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have B. Tech or higher in Computer Science and Engineering or Information Technology or proportional control or MCA with significant comparable.
- Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs.50/ - through interest draft attracted support of IIT Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their applications on plain paper giving full bio-information alongside bore witness to duplicates of testimonials to the Administrative Officer (Projects), Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy, Indian Institute of Technology. Kharagpur-721302 at the very latest 31-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 31-08-2016.
- IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2016 - Assistant vacancies and Project Officer posts. IIT Kharagpur has welcomed applications for the enrollment of Project Officer, Project Assistant opening for the task entitled "Administration Level Optimization Between Public Bus and Para-Transit Services Along a Transport Corridor (PAT)" on provisional premise. Qualified hopefuls can apply in endorsed application group at the latest 23-08-2016.
- IIT Kharagpur Assistant vacancies and Project Officer Vacancy Details: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/topfiles/sric_job_details.php?serial=3305
- Add up to No. of vacancies: 03
- Name of the vacancies:
- 1. Venture Officer: 02 vacancies
- 2. Venture Assistant: 01 Vacancy
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Masters in Planning with specialization in Transportation arranging including Bus and Para-travel administrations, Demand Modeling for Post 1, M.Sc in Remote detecting and GIS for Post 2 with significant experience.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors can send their application on plain paper, giving full bio-information alongside validated duplicates of testimonials to Administrative officer (Projects), Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302 at the latest 23-08-2016.
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 23-08-2016.
- IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2016 – Junior Research Fellow and PA Posts. IIT Kharagpur has distributed warning for the enrollment of Junior Research Fellow and Project Assistant opening for the task titled Bridge Project on "Evaluation of Coal Bed Methane and Shale Gas Reservoir Quantity (Acq)" on transitory premise. Qualified hopefuls may apply in recommended application design at the latest 27-08-2016.
- IIT Kharagpur Junior Research Fellow and PA Posts Vacancy Details: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/topfiles/sric_job_details.php?serial=3307
- Add up to No. of Vacancies: 03
- Name of the Vacancy:
- 1. Junior Research Fellow: 02 Vacancies
- 2. Venture Assistant: 01 Vacancy
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.Sc with legitimate NET/GATE capability or M.Tech in Applied Mathematics, Geology or Applied Geology ideally with presentation to Coal geography, M.Tech in Mining Engineering, Mining Machinery, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering for Post No. 01 and Graduation in any sort with significant experience for Post No. 02.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their application on plain paper giving full bio information alongside bore witness to duplicates of testimonials to the Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur at the very latest 27-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Application: 27-08-2016.
- Details for other posts can be viewed by links provided below.
- About IIT Kharagpur
- IIT Kharagpur turns to life of each national of the nation and to be seen as the best on the planet. The establishment tries to center towards national interest.
- Mission and Vision of Mission of IIT Kharagpur
- Mission of IIT Kharagpur
- To give wide based planning where understudies are asked to build up their lord limits
- To draw the best slant in science, headway, association and law to give general inspire prepared to understudies in envisioning, joining and executing meanders.
- To brood a soul of business endeavor and progress in going out understudies
- To get a handle on maintained research and give consultancy associations in present day edifying and society immense zones.
- Vision of IIT Kharagpur
- To be a state of merging of grandness in get ready and research passing on general pioneers in science, advancement and association
- To be a spot where learning is made in boondocks areas of national and general vitality.