IIT Kanpur Recruitment 2016 - Superintendent, Project Associate, Junior Assistant and Technician posts. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur has given a job notice for the enlistment of 94 Superintendent, Jr Asst and Other opening for instruction and examination in different branches of building, innovation, science and expressions on customary/contract premise. Qualified hopefuls can apply online from 10-08-2016 at 10:00 AM to 30-08-2016 by 05:00 PM.
- IIT Kanpur Superintendent, Junior Assistant Vacancy Details: https://oag.iitk.ac.in/Oa_Rec_Pg/Jsp/Online_Recurit/recurit_main_info.jsp?mnu=howtoapply
- Add up to No of vacancies: 94
- Name of the vacancies:
- 1. Recorder: 01 vacancy
- 2. Delegate Registrar: 03 vacancies
- 3. Restorative Officer: 04 vacancies
- 4. Understudies Counselor: 02 vacancies
- 5. Colleague Registrar: 05 vacancies
- 6. Specialized Superintendent: 01 vacancy
- 7. Junior Technical Superintendent: 22 vacancies
- 8. Junior Superintendent: 11 vacancies
- 9. Staff Nurse: 04 vacancies
- 10. Drug specialist: 03 vacancies
- 11. Colleague Coach: 01 vacancy
- 12. Junior Assistant: 20 vacancies
- 13. Junior Technician: 15 vacancies
- 14. Dresser: 02 vacancies
- Age Limit: Candidates most extreme age cutoff is ideally beneath 55 years for Post 1, 45 years for Post 2 to 5, 21-35 years for Post 6 to 9 and 21-30 years for Posts 10 to 14. Age unwinding is pertinent according to rules.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Masters Degree with no less than 55% imprints in total/identical for Post 1, 2, 5, MBBS for Post 3, M. Phil/MA in Clinical Psychology with first class for Post 4, M.Sc/B.Tech/B.E/B.Sc/Diploma/BCA in Engineering in fitting field for Post 6, 7, 13, Masters Degree for Post 8, Intermediate or 10+2 or proportionate and more likely than not passed the examination held by the Nursing Council for Post 9, Matriculation/comparable with Diploma/Degree in Pharmacy for Post 10, A Bachelor Degree in Physical Education with confirmation in training NIS Patial for Post 11, Bachelor Degree with information of PC applications for Post 12 and tenth standard go for Post 14 with pertinent experience.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account class and meeting for Post 1, meeting for Posts 2 to 4, composed test and meeting for Post 5, composed, viable test and meeting for Post 6, Written and down to earth test for Posts 7, 8, 12 and 13 and composed test for Posts 9, 10, 11 and 14.
- Application Fee: Candidates need to pay Rs. 500/ - for Group-A Posts 1 to 5, Rs.250/ - for Group-B, C presents 6 on 13 and Rs. 50/ - Group-D post 14 with charge exchange expense + Service charge by net saving money and charge/Visas. No expense for SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities hopefuls.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible applicants can apply online through IIT Kanpur website from 10-08-2016 at 10:00 AM to 30-08-2016 by 05:00 PM and send print out of finished application alongside all significant supporting archives properly self validated, envelope must be superscribed as "Application for the post of … ." by Speed Post or Registered Post to The Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Section, Room No. 224, second Floor (Faculty Building), IIT Kanpur–208 016 (U.P) India at the very latest 07-09-2016 by 05:00 PM.
- Directions to Apply online:
- 1.Before applying online applicant ought to have substantial individual email ID, portable no and filtered duplicates of photo and mark
- 2. Sign on to site www.iitk.ac.in
- 3. Click on "Opening in Administrative and Technical Cadre 2016″
- 4. Again tap on To Apply Online "Snap Here"
- 5. Fill every one of the subtle elements deliberately and present the Form
- 6. Remove Print from online application structure for Future use.
- Imperative Dates:
- Beginning Date to Apply Online: 10-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.
- Last Date to Apply Online: 30-08-2016 by 05:00 PM
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 07-09-2016 by 05:00 PM.
- IIT Kanpur Recruitment 2016 - Technician and Sr Project Associate posts. IIT Kanpur has publicized a notice for the enrollment of Senior Project Associate and Project Technician opportunities for the undertaking entitled "Place for Excellence for Flexible Electronics"on provisional or authoritative premise. Qualified applicants can apply in endorsed application group prior to 22-08-2016.
- IIT Kanpur Technician and Sr Project Associate Vacancy Details: http://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/project/ps-pt-scdt-10-08-16.html
- Add up to No of Vacancies: 03
- Name of the Vacancies:
- 1. Senior Project Associate: 02 Vacancies
- 2. Venture Technician: 01 Vacancy
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have B.Tech or M.Sc, have hands-on working knowledge with natural photovoltaic gadget manufacture, electronic material portrayal, for example, XRD, profilometer, SEM, AFM and so forth and gadget portrayal, for example, electrical conductivity, CV, impedance estimations and so forth., for Senior Project Associate, High School + ITI+ 9 years' experience or B.Sc. + 4 years significant experience or 3 years of Engg. Certificate + 4 years applicable experience for Project Technician Posts.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible hopefuls can send their application giving full points of interest of capability and involvement with duplicates of significant authentications and contact subtle elements of no less than two references in fixed envelope to Room No. 305, Samtel Center for Display Technologies Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208 016 UP or mail to scdt@iitk.ac.in at the very latest 22-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Application: 22-08-2016.
- About IIT Kanpur
- A Commitment to Excellence
From its exceptionally initiation, IIT Kanpur has been endeavoring to form itself into a foundation of brilliance in instruction and examination in consonance with the contemporary and future needs of India. In meeting this test, the Institute has dependably been attempting unique endeavors to enlist skilled staff on an overall premise and to concede splendid understudies from everywhere throughout the nation by a watchful choice procedure. Consistent endeavors have been made to furnish the staff with very much prepared offices to empower them to take part in national attempts in Science and Technology significantly. Notwithstanding offering formal Undergraduate and Post-graduate Programs, the Institute has been included in Continuing Education and Research and Development in zones of quality to both the Industry and the Government. In a limited ability to focus, Institute has accomplished acknowledgment as a noteworthy focal point of learning in Engineering, Science and a few Inter-disciplinary Areas. The Institute has been served by celebrated Directors. Not just, has the Institute went about as the rearing ground for thoughts and ability, it likewise has perceived and respected researchers of qualification.