IFCI welcomes online applications from qualified possibility for topping off 18 perpetual posts of Executive, Manager and Various.
- IFCI Notification: http://iidlindia.com/ADA31456-6454-4FAC-AD58-A6259B84D600/CMS/Page/Current-Openings
- IFCI Apply Link: http://iidlindia.com/careers/careers
- Hopefuls satisfying the qualification criteria may apply through on-line application from 17-08-2016 to 09-09-2016.
- Before filling online application candidates must read warning precisely and keep prepared sweep duplicate of their photo and mark.
- After accommodation of on-line application, the applicants are required to remove print from on-line application submitted, sign the same and send the same through Speed Post/Courier alongside DD and every imperative record/duplicates of endorsements, properly self-bore witness to at the very latest 19-09-2016 till 5:30 PM.
- Application frames got after expiry of the last date or generally discovered inadequate, won't be entertained.
- Dates to Remember :
- Opening Date of on-line Application: 17-08-2016.
- Shutting date of on-line Application: 09-09-2016.
- Last Date and time of Submission of finished application structure is : 19-09-2016 .
- Determination Mode :
- The determination board of IFCI Infrastructure Development Limited might waitlist the possibility for meeting, taking into account specialization and experience.
- Expense Structure :
- Application expense of Rs.500/ - for General and OBC Category is to be paid by Demand Draft in the support of IFCI Infrastructure Development Limited" payable at New Delhi.SC, ST and PWD applicants are exempted from application charge.
- Application methodology :
- Competitors who satisfy the qualification criteria, may apply online application from 17-08-2016 to 09-09-2016.
- Applicants must ensure that they meet the qualification criteria before filling online.Applicants more likely than not examined duplicate of their travel permit size photo, signature while filling online application.
- Competitors must fill all subtle element painstakingly in recommended online application form.After accommodation of online application,applicants ought to remove print from the application and send the same through Speed Post/Courier alongside DD and every single imperative record/duplicates of testaments, properly self-authenticated prior to 19-09-2016 till 5:30 PM.
- The envelope ought to be superscripted appropriately with : "'Application for the post of __' Executive, Manager and Various
- Address for sending all applications :
- Overseeing Director IFCI Infrastructure Development Limited IFCI Tower, sixth floor, 61 – Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019.