HNBGU University Recruitment 2016 - JRF Posts. Eligible candidates may appear in a walkin Interview to be organized by HNBGU Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University on 22-08-2016 (10 Am) for 1 contractual posts of JRF.
- HNBGU University Recruitment 2016 JRF Details: http://www.hnbgu.ac.in/forms/ContentPage.aspx?lid=1296
- Interested Candidates may appear in walkin Interviews at the given venue.
- Dates to Consider:
- Date & Time of walkin Interview : 22-08-2016 (10 Am)
- Selection Mode:
- Candidates will be tested by performance in walkin interview and screening of applications.
- Application Fee:
- Nil.
- How to Apply:
- Interested applicants may come and appear in walkin interviews to be held on 22-08-2016 (10 Am) with application in the given format and certificates (original and attested photocopies) of qualification, experience, age, cast etc to the given venue.
- Applicants must bring their all original certificates at the time of interview and reach the venue well before time of interview.
- HNBGU Recruitment 2016 JRF Details: http://www.hnbgu.ac.in/forms/ContentPage.aspx?lid=1272
- HNBGU University is looking for suitable candidates for recruitment to 1 contractual positions of Junior Research Fellow.Only Candidates would be eligible to apply.
- Application forms completed in all respects followed by relevant documents should be sent to the given address on or before 27-08-2016 . Attested copies of relevant documents must be submitted along with application form.
- Important Dates :
- Due date of submission of application forms : 27-08-2016 .
- Criteria of Selection :
- Candidates would be selected based on their performance in Interview.
- Fee Structure :
- Nil.
- Procedure to Apply :
- Interested and eligible candidates willing to work on these posts may send applications in prescribed format along with all relevant documents latest by 27-08-2016 An applicant must enclose a copy of caste certificates including OBC status to substantiate their claim of SC/ST/OBC category.
- Candidates should clearly indicate post applied for on the top of the envelope and in the application.