Goa Police Recruitment 2016 – Police SI, Constable and Other opening: Goa Police Department, Police Headquarters, Panaji has given a warning for the enlistment of Police Sub Inspector, Constable, LDC, Laboratory Technician and Attendant opportunities in Goa Police Department by Direct enrollment. Other information given below
- Goa Police Vacancy Details:
- Add up to No. of opportunities: 181
- Name of the opportunities:
- 1. Police Sub Inspector: 34 opening
- 2. Police Constable: 119 opening
- 3. Police Constable:
- a. Remote Manager: 16 opening
- b. Remote Store Hand: 01 opening
- 4. Lower Division Clerk: 07 opening
- 5. Lab Technician: 03 opening
- 6. Lab Attendant: 01 opening
- Age Limit: Candidates age farthest point ought to be 20 to 28 years for opening 01, 18 to 22 years for opportunity 02, not surpassing 45 years for opportunity 03, 04, 05, 06 as on 08-08-2016. Age unwinding is appropriate 05 years for SC/ST/Children of Freedom Fighter/Sportsperson, 03 years for OBC, 10 years for PH competitors and Others according to rules .
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Degree/10+2, Diploma in Security and Investigation Technology for opening 01, Secondary School Certificate Examination or comparable for opportunity 02, 03, 06 Higher Secondary School authentication or All India Council for Technical Education endorsed Diploma for opening 04, Second Class Bachelors Degree in Science for opening 05 from perceived board/Institute.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen in light of Physical Efficiency Test, composed exam.
- Application and Examination Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 200/ - for general, Rs.100/ - for SC/ST/OBC/Ex Serviceman/PWD/CFF hopefuls.
- Instructions to Apply: Eligible applicants may send their applications through legitimate channel alongside authenticated duplicates of instructive capability, rank/classification endorsements to the Counter at Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa at the very latest 08-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 08-08-2016.
- Click here for Official Recruitment Advertisement: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B16CMLIGuIcDRmN3eVozdzFQWDA
Goa Police Recruitment 2016 – 69 Police Constable, Pharmacist and Other opportunities: Goa Police Department, Police Headquarters, Panaji has given a warning for the enlistment of 69 Pharmacist, Police Constable, Barber, Dhobi, LDC, Stenographer, Mess Servant, Nursing Asst opening in Goa Police Department by Direct enrollment. Qualified competitors may apply in the endorsed group prior to 16-08-2016. Different subtle elements given underneath.
- Goa Police Vacancy Details:
- Add up to No. of opportunities: 69
- Name of the opportunities:
- 1. Drug specialist (Armed Police): 03 opportunities
- 2. Stenographer: 01 opportunity
- 3. LDC: 02 opportunities
- 4. Police Constable (Wireless): 53 opportunities
- 5. Hairdresser: 03 opening
- 6. Dhobi: 01 opportunity
- 7. Mess Servant: 04 opportunities
- 8. Nursing Assistant (Armed Police): 02 opportunities
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought not surpassing 45 years as on 08-08-2016. Age unwinding is relevant 05 years for SC/ST/Children of Freedom Fighter/Sportsperson, 03 years for OBC, 10 years for PH competitors and Others according to Govt rules .
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Degree or Diploma for opening 01, Higher Secondary School endorsement or AICTE affirmed Diploma or proportionate, Computer Literate with Typing Knowledge for opportunity 02, 03, SSCE or identical for opening 04, IV standard for opportunity 05, Literate for opening 06, 07, went in VIII standard for opportunity 08 with pertinent experience.
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen in light of useful Test, composed exam.
- Application and Examination Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 200/ - for general, Rs.100/ - for SC/ST/OBC/Ex Serviceman/PWD/CFF competitors.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their applications through appropriate channel alongside confirmed duplicates of instructive capability, rank/classification endorsements to the Counter at Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa at the latest 16-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 16-08-2016.
- Click here for Official Recruitment Advertisement: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B16CMLIGuIcDWjNMOHlhZGowU0k/view?usp=sharing
Goa Police Recruitment 2016 – Asst SI, Constable and Other opening: Goa Police Department, Police Headquarters, Panaji has declared a warning for the enlistment of Assistant Sub Inspector (Wireless Operator), Police Constable (Bandman), Welder, Dhobi, Barber and Tailor opportunities in Goa Police Department by Direct enrollment. Qualified hopefuls may apply in the recommended group prior to 08-08-2016. Different points of interest given beneath.
- Goa Police Vacancy Details
- Add up to No. of opportunities: 09
- Name of the opening:
- 1. Right hand Sub Inspector (Wireless Operator): 01 opening
- 2. Police Constable (Bandman): 03 opening
- 3. Welder: 01 opportunity
- 4. Dhobi: 02 opening
- 5. Hair stylist: 01 opening
- 6. Tailor: 01vacancy
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought not surpassing 45 years as on 08-08-2016. Age unwinding is material 05 years for SC/ST/Children of Freedom Fighter/Sportsperson, 03 years for OBC, 10 years for PH competitors and Others according to Govt rules .
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have SSC or comparable or Diploma in Electronics of a perceived Institution for S.No-1, Literate or involvement in perusing and composing and singing musical notes (Course endorsement) for S.No-2, ITI Certificate in the applicable exchange from perceived Institute for S.No-3 and 6, Literate for S.No-4, IV Standard or identical for S.No-5 with important experience.
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account handy Test, composed exam.
- Application and Examination Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 200/ - for general, Rs.100/ - for SC/ST/OBC/Ex Serviceman/PWD/CFF hopefuls.
- Instructions to Apply: Eligible hopefuls may send their applications through legitimate channel alongside bore witness to duplicates of instructive capability, station/classification authentications to the Counter at Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa at the very latest 08-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 08-08-2016.
- #Click here for Official Recruitment Advertisement: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B16CMLIGuIcDdFE1LWQyWWN2MlU/view?usp=sharing
Goa Police Recruitment 2016 – Cobbler opening: Goa Police Department, Police Headquarters, Panaji has welcomed applications for the enrollment of Cobbler (Mochi) opportunities by Direct enlistment. Qualified hopefuls may apply in the recommended design prior to 29-08-2016. Different points of interest given underneath.
- Goa Police Vacancy Details:
- Add up to No. of opening: 01
- Name of the opening: Cobbler (Mochi)
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought not surpass 45 years as on 29-08-2016. Age unwinding is pertinent according to Govt rules .
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to be a literated pesron with applicable experience.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account viable Test, composed exam.
- Application and Examination Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 200/ - for General, Rs.100/ - for SC/ST/OBC/Ex Serviceman/PWD/CFF competitors.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may send their applications through appropriate channel alongside bore witness to duplicates of instructive capability, station/classification authentications to the Counter at Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa prior to 29-08-2016.
- Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 29-08-2016.
- Click here for Official Recruitment Advertisement: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B16CMLIGuIcDSU01bXl6SGZicGs/view?usp=sharing
#About Goa Police:
With Liberation and the flight of the Portuguese, started a long and comprehensive upgrade of the Goa Police. Work to rearrange the police division on the lines of what existed in whatever remains of the nation, started in right sincere. N R Nagu assumed control as the primary Inspector General of Police (IGP) of free Goa and a large group of different arrangements were made only a day after freedom. Administrations of those authorities serving the PEI were ensured and they were reasonably suited in Goa Police. The individuals who wished to be eased were permitted to do as such with impact from February 1, 1962. In any case, the positions and hierarchical structure of the PEI was held for a more extended period before being changed with regards to what existed in the nation. Officers gone up against assignment had in the mean time started to present policing frameworks in light of Indian laws and systems.
However, it was not until 1966 that real changes started to be made and felt when the police power was revamped taking after suggestions made by Additional DGP. Shetty sent these suggestions in view of a study directed by him in February-March 1965 on the overall set-up. He found that the framework had a few expanding gaps and that the police work force were still taken a gander at with suspicion by the normal man, not able to overlook their Portuguese connections. His proposals established the framework for the rise of the Goa Police power as we probably am aware today.
The Goa Police power was going by an Inspector General of Police until second Feb 1999.
Throughout the years Goa Police has experienced gigantic changes in their working as well as in picture develop. It has continually attempted to be increasingly human neighborly, one that the well behaved resident need not fear. To this end, on fifteenth Auguts 1997 it even experienced a uniform change the staid and tyrant khakhi offering path to a more charming and rich composed by the celebrated around the world style architect, Wendell Rodricks.
- More Goa Police Vacancies Given Below:
http://www.goapolice.gov.in/documents/add_cobbler.pdf - http://www.goapolice.gov.in/ad3.pdf
- http://www.goapolice.gov.in/documents/img007.pdf