Gujarat National Law University GNLU Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for Sports Assistant Posts: Department of Administration, GNLU has welcomed applications for the enlistment of Sports Assistant opportunities. Qualified competitors may stroll in on 26-08-2016.
- GNLU Vacancy Details: http://www.gnlu.ac.in
- Name of the Post: Sports Assistant
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Master/Bachelor Degree in Physical Education or in Sports Science with no less than 55% imprints.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen in view of meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible hopefuls may show up for meeting alongside three duplicates of their resume with photo joined on all duplicates, unique and one arrangement of photocopy of their scholarly endorsements, experience declaration and different archives on 26-08-2016.
- Essential Dates:
- Date of Interview: 26-08-2016.
- Reporting Time: 10:30 Hrs.
- Venue: Registrar, Gujarat National Law University, Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba, Gandhinagar 382007, Gujarat (INDIA)
- GNLU Recruitment Link: http://www.gnlu.ac.in/career/FP%2018%20Sports%20Assistant.pdf
- About GNLU Recruitment
- Enlistment, we accept, is a procedure that includes connecting with enrollment specialists, constructing enduring relations and uniting forthcoming spotters and understudies to a stage where they can arrange.
- The important body depended with the obligation of overseeing and leading the grounds enrollment process in GNLU is the Committee on Recruitment Affairs (CRA). The CRA involves understudy, workforce and staff individuals. To encourage the enlistment procedure, the CRA capacities under the direction of the Convener and the individuals.
- The fundamental capacity of the CRA is to help with the enlistment procedure. It encourages the understudies and the scouts year round, on a moving premise for on-grounds and in addition off-grounds enlistment. Aside from dealing with the enrollment procedure, the CRA has, previously, sorted out addresses by specialists from various businesses, in order to give the understudies of GNLU a knowledge into the expert universe of which they will be a section later on.
- Having effectively finished the enrollment procedure for prior bunches, it has been determined that the enlistment procedure for the current active cluster of understudy from Gujarat National Law University will be on a moving premise. It is correlated to note that the enlistment program has been organized into a few phases that incorporate pre-situation talks, pre-meeting screening procedure, meetings and last positions.
- Read complete GNLU Recruitment Procedure