DHBVN Recruitment 2016 - Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam will recruit Assistant Engineers. Apply Through GATE 2017.
- DHBVN Assistant Engineer Vacancy Details: http://www.dhbvn.org.in/staticContent/Advt+DH/notice_Dt.01.07.2016.pdf
- DHBVN welcomed applications for enlistment to the post of Assistant Engineer/Electrical Cadre and Assistant Engineer/Civil Cadre. The applicants qualified for the post can apply through online for GATE 2017 Examination at the latest 04 October 2016.
- DHBVN points of interest:
- Livelihood News: 20-26 August 2016
- DHBVN Recruitment Essential Dates:
- Opening Date of GATE online Application Processing framework: 1 September 2016
- Shutting Date of GATE online Application Processing framework: 4 October 2016
- Date of GATE-2017 examination: 4 and 5 February 2017 and 11 and 12 February 2017
- Last Date for solicitation of progress in the decision of examination city: 16 November 2016
- Date of Availability of Admit Card online: 05 January 2017
- Date of declaration of GATE 2017 Result: 27 March 2017
- DHBVN Vacancy Details:
- Name of the posts:
- Colleague Engineer/Electrical Cadre
- Electrical order
- Mechanical control
- Data Technology discipline
- Hardware discipline
- 2. Associate Engineer/common Cadre
- Associate Engineer/common
- Qualification Criteria for DHBVN Assistant Engineer/Electrical and Assistant Engineer/common through GATE-2017
- Instructive/Technical Qualification and Experience:
- Electrical order: Bachelor level of designing or proportionate degree from University appropriately perceived by Central Government or a State Government in the control of Electrical/Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Mechanical order: Bachelor level of designing or comparable degree from University appropriately perceived by Central Government or a State Government in the control of Mechanical Engineering.
- Data Technology discipline: Bachelor level of designing or equal degree from University properly perceived by Central Government or a State Government in the control of Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology.
- Hardware Discipline: Bachelor level of designing or equal degree from University properly perceived by Central Government or a State Government in the order of Electronics/Electronics and Communication/Electronics and Telecommunication/Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering.
- Aide Engineer/common: Bachelor level of designing or equal degree from University properly perceived by Central Government or a State Government in the order of Civil Engineering.
- Age Limit for DHBVN Assistant Engineer/Electrical and Assistant Engineer/common through GATE-2017: Between 21-42 years
- Determination Procedure for DHBVN Assistant Engineer/Electrical and Assistant Engineer/common through GATE-2017:
- Competitors will be chosen on the premise of their execution in GATE-2017 Exam.
- Step by step instructions to Apply for DHBVN Assistant Engineer/Electrical and Assistant Engineer/common through GATE-2017:
- Qualified competitors can apply to Gate through online site for GATE - 2017 Examination i.e. (gate.iitr.ernet.in). Last date of online application for GATE-2017 Examination is 04 October 2016.
- DHBVN Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Vision, Mission, Values and Employee Ethics
- DHBVN is resolved to set new benchmarks in norms of corporate execution through the quest for opertional and money related perfection. It tries to be the best circulation utilitiy in India by improving its mechanical administration and shopper fulfillment.
- The DHBVN and its representatives certify and submit themselves to commitment to obligation, uprightness and genuineness, straightforwardness in work, cost awareness, openness to recommendations and criticism from all partners and shoppers. We are associated with buyers by more than power lines and have confidence in showing others how its done in purchaser fulfillment. We are glad being makers of base for over all advancement of Haryana and India.
- DHBVN Recruited Employee Ethics:-
- At DHBVN we live and work by an arrangement of shared qualities planned to direct our collaborations with shoppers and work for improvement of the State and the Nation. These Values are:-
- Our qualities are extremely straightforward. We trust that there is one and only approach to win better place: to work with decency, genuineness and uprightness. These qualities will win an across the nation notoriety for us as mindful and regarded 'Bijliwalas'.
- That notoriety can be earned through the activities of the group of a large number of workers consistently. In any case, that can be discolored by a solitary segregated episode. At DHBVN, as an organization and as people, we should have uprightness in the event that we are to be fruitful.
- On the off chance that you see any movement that is not in consistence with the DHBVN qualities, approaches or abuses the code of respectability, we request that you report these exercises. Our notoriety relies on upon it.